“It must be nice to believe you have a choice in such matters. Most like you do not,” he says before standing up, causing me to flinch back instinctively.
“Apologies, I just need to verify your testimony. It won’t hurt. I simply place my hands at your temples. I just need to see your time in Reno,” he says, stepping toward me.
When his hands touch my temples, I’m transported back to the field on the day of the exchange. Goosebumps erupt over my arms as I feel the chill of the air from that day dance along my skin. My heart rate accelerates as we get closer to Deacon’s arrival, and fear fills me in a way that reminds me of my nightmares.
“Calm down, Brielle. It’s only a memory. It will play out exactly as it happened,”he says in my mind just as I hear Hudson’s words whispered into my ear from that day, telling me to calm down. I beg my head to turn to look at him one more time and see the face of the man who saved me, but of course, I don’t. I stand there precisely as I had that day, waiting as my world is turned upside down.
The feel of Deacon’s breath on my neck and the last moment of seeing Big Tony raise his gun has tears sliding downmy cheeks. I don’t even realize that Alexander has let go of my temples and moved away from me standing silently as I collect myself.
When I open my eyes to look at him, I see sympathy in his purple gaze, and for a moment, I wonder if vampires have the capacity for such emotions.
“I’m sorry you had to relive that. Thank you for verifying your testimony. I will ensure the report is given to the council,” he states before buttoning his jacket and turning to leave.
I stay seated in the chair, exhaustion overtaking me as I feel the weight of Hudson's loss all over again.
When Alexander reaches the door, he stops, his head dropping before he exhales and turns around again.
“If I could ask you one thing, you mentioned finding Ghost. I’ve spent decades hoping to meet him. Could you tell me where you ran into him?” His words are full of sadness, and his expression looks almost hopeful as he waits for my response.
“I’m sorry, Alexander. I was kidnapped. I wasn’t really privy to where we were.” I say, clearing my mind again.
Purple fluffy clouds…
Purple fluffy clouds…
His head tilts just a fraction before nodding and turning to open the door.
“Loyalty is a rare quality in today’s world. I’m glad it hasn’t completely died out.Until next time, Brielle,”he sends to my mind and closes the door behind him.
Well, shit.
Chapter 16
Returning to the courtroom the following morning feels like judgment day. Noah and I spent the evening working through each possibility, trying to understand why Marlo felt like he had won this.
Outside of the obvious that several sitting members were allied with him, we couldn’t figure out how any of the information would fall in his favor.
That being said, I know how the LLC works, and if things go the way we think they will, we need a plan for every outcome. So we have one in place if this doesn’t go our way today. We kept the details vague so adjudication wouldn’t be a problem. Cain and Jess were already sitting on the hotel, ready to act.
Fates, I hope it doesn’t come to that.
Could we win this war?
Shaking away the thought, I take my seat from yesterday. Noah and I are the first ones here, and the courtroom has an ominous feel. The silence echoes with the unknown, and I must pull back my wolf several times.
Marlo and his lawyer waltz in at exactly twelve. Neither looks our way or says anything and by the time they are seated, the council members are also filing in.
Judgment time.
My eyes scan each of their faces, hoping to see some sort of reaction, some sign of good or bad news, but each has their mask of professionalism securely in place. Once they are all settled, Martin begins.
“Good afternoon once again, gentlemen. Thank you for being here on time so we can get started. Yesterday, at the request of Mr. Bjorn, an adjudicator was sent to interview Ms. DelaCourt to determine her reason for being in the Reno Pack Second’s Office. After a thorough questioning and verification, the report, located in front of you all, was completed. I will read those findings aloud for the record,” he says before proceeding to read the official statement.
I certify that the following statement is void of all opinion and states only facts given and verified by the witness, Brielle DelaCourt, by the adjudicator Alexander Kingsley on the 15th day of December in the year 2023.
Brielle Delacourt was taken to Reno in a blackmail scheme in hopes of being used as leverage against the Vegas Pack. A tradewas agreed upon, money exchanged, and a location set. During the exchange, Alpha Marlo attempted to Awaken Ms. DelaCourt, causing the Vegas Pack Second to attack in direct protection of her. During the scuffle, the Reno Pack Second, referred to by the witness as ‘Big Tony,’ legally Antonio Russo, attempted to shoot Ms. DelaCourt to prevent her from getting away. A Vegas Pack enforcer stepped in front of the bullet and was killed instantly.