Page 24 of Understanding Fate

“Cain?” Carter says my name slowly, trying to gauge whether I'm going to lose it, just as the man turns to speak to Tristan.

Immediately, I relax.

It’s Ethan.

Usually, it wouldn’t matter to me who it was; she’s mine, and no one should buy her drinks, but I looked into Ethan after they spoke on the phone for her interview. Brielle is not only not his type, but he’s been married to his partner, Archer, for nearly two decades.

It’s part of the reason I didn’t have more anxiety about her coming out here. I knew the good-looking Marketing Director wouldn't sweep her off her feet.

The tension in my shoulders releases, and I slow my heart rate just as my eyes catch Bri’s.

I want to look away; I’m supposed to be out of sight, but I drink in her expression, catching the desire as it flashes before I see her fight it back.

You’re still in there, Firefly.

Her cheeks flush, and her eyes drop, giving me an idea.

I pull out my phone and text her at the number she sent me before she left the office. I know she only gave it to me because she didn’t have Ghost’s number, but she gave it to me nonetheless.

You going to be okay to drive?

I send hoping she remembers our last text message conversation in a bar.

She glances over to the phone on the bar when it lights up, and she clicks on the screen. The smile that pulls on her lips sends butterflies dancing in my stomach, and I wonder how she will respond.

The vibration in my hand has hope building within me just as a glass breaks in the middle of the bar, pulling everyone’s attention toward the sound. My eyes flash to Bri, not allowingthe noise to pull my focus from her. As I scan the crowd to see if it was an intentional distraction or an accidental drop, I notice a man in a black hoodie moving through the crowd away from the commotion and right at Brielle’s group. I step around Carter to cut off the man’s path just as my eyes meet ice-blue ones. It takes only seconds before Ghost casually wraps an arm around the man, catching his weight as he slumps, and then turns him, quietly escorting him out of the bar. I didn’t see the other man’s face, but based on Ghost’s reaction, he was after the contract money and was tired of waiting for an opening.

The crowd in the bar begins talking again, resetting the noise level now that the dropped drink no longer holds their focus. The large bald man behind the bar throws a dirty look at our group. Nyxon shrugs and continues his conversation with Carter.

“I’m going to check on that,” I state, not elaborating further before weaving toward the front doors.

Scanning the crowd as I move, nothing out of the ordinary jumps out at me. I note that Bri’s group is talking animatedly, their voices beginning to carry above the crowd as I pass, pulling her attention without even trying.

As much as my feet want to stop and turn toward her, I force my steps to continue, winking at her as I pass.

It’s not until I’m out in crisp evening air that I remember the text message she sent me. I pull up my phone and open the messages, a smile splitting my face.

I may need to be rescued… know anyone who could save me?

I might know someone, but I can’t guarantee you can handle him…

I send back, knowing her stubborn nature just might get me a chance to hold her tonight as I step off the curb, looking for a certain white-haired mercenary who seems to have a habit of saving my girl.

Chapter 10


Idrop the shifter behind the dumpster a block away from the bar. He should be out for a minute, so I search his pockets, not finding a wallet or ID.

So not a complete idiot…

He looks clean-shaven, in his early twenties, with brown hair cut close to his head. Based on his age and incompetence, he’s new to this game.

And here I am, babysitting.

I don’t do this. I don’t get involved.

On any other job, this guy would stay in this alley with a broken neck, but a part of me knows that Brielle would be pissed to find out I killed someone to save her.