He shows up for me.
I file that thought away, heading back to Tris’s office to ask for that business cell phone they offered. After all, I will need a way to keep in contact with them, and Ghost can’t assume the new phone could be traced to me at all.
Chapter 9
Not touching her as she stood arguing with me was torture. The flush in her cheeks from her anger and the cold had me wanting to cup them in my hands. The way she tipped her chin defiantly had my wolf itching to dominate her and remind her who she belongs to. I had to forcibly remind him that we’re in hot water with her, and until we dig ourselves out, he has to chill.
Fuck, I love her fire.
Even with a contract out on her, she’s fearless. Unwilling to back down. Stubborn to the core.
Once she returned to the building, I had Carter and Nyxon move ahead to the bar, I will wait for Bri to leave and follow so nothing happens in transit.
Cain: Text Ghost. Let him know she’s headed to The Tam with the staff.
Dante: Quinn’s texting you his burner number now so that you can be in contact.
As soon as the mind-link comes through, my phone vibrates with the number from Quinn.
Thanks Q
I text her back before adding it to my contacts and using the ghost emoji for his name.
Bri is on the move, headed to The Tam - Cain
Copy. I’ll head there now.
Relief fills me as I post back up on the fire escape to watch the entrance while pulling up the directions to the bar so I know how far we need to go. It’s only a mile and a half away, but it crosses over the Fort Point Channel, preventing me from shifting to run over because a wolf on a bridge would be a sight people would notice, especially in after-work traffic.
I’ll have to jog it, which makes me glad I didn’t wear too many layers despite the temperature. It takes a lot for me to get cold, but I’ll be sweating by the time I get there. Google says it will take them about ten minutes by car, which means I should be able to tail them pretty easily with a six-minute mile pace.
A text message from Carter comes in as I close the map.
We’re set. Two points of exit. Both are visible from the bar area. We have a spot at the end of the bar near the back door.
Copy. She’s walking out now. Should be there in 10-15min
I snap a photo and tuck my phone into a pocket as Bri exits the building, all bundled up, following a curvy brunette a few inches shorter than her. They’re laughing and head over to a silver minivan that’s idling in front of the building next door.
I hadn’t seen it drive up, and I’m moving before I can stop myself.
“Brielle, this is my husband…” My heart rate drowns out the rest of her statement, and I change directions as soon as I get to the other side of the street.
This is her ride. The other lady knows him.
I slow my breathing, allowing myself to return to a level of calm as they climb in and pull away. I send the picture to Pres and then call her, throwing in a Bluetooth earpiece, before beginning my jog.
“Who am I looking at?” she answers on the first ring.
“A staff member at Boston Digital. Can you run background on her and her husband for me? I have their plate,” I say, finding my stride and turning where I saw the van head right as I rattle off the license plate number.
“On it,” she says, and I hear her typing as she gets to work. “Why are you breathing so heavily?”
“I’m jogging behind the car in the snow,” I answer.
“Well, you sound like you need to train more,” she sasses.