No. Stop it. That’s the trauma response talking.
When the meeting ends, I have an entire sheet of notes with the next steps ready to go, and I laugh at myself because I don’t work here—not yet, at least.
I follow Tris back into her office, ready to tackle some of the tasks mentioned in the meeting, when Ethan strolls in behind me.
“So, how is your tour going?” he asks, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms casually.
“Today’s been amazing. Honestly, I’m not sure how you have a job opening at all,” I say, blurting the question that has been rolling around in my head since lunch.
“Well, that’s an easy answer. We’re expanding two departments to better handle the volume of new clients we’ve been receiving and to ensure that as a company, we’re staying aligned to our goals for productivity and innovation within the space,” he responds.
I nod, feeling better about the lack of turnover, knowing most of the staff has been with the company for years.
“I think you broke her,” Tris laughs when I don’t respond any further, making me smile.
“No, just processing everything. It’s a big move, but I can’t imagine finding a more perfect fit,” I say.
“Well, that’s what we want. This is just as much about you wanting to be here as us wanting you here. In fact, we’re heading out for drinks tonight to celebrate a win Genny had with Knight Global. You should join us. See a part of the city. Get to know everyone in a slightly more relaxed environment,” he says before returning to his office.
“Tris, can you make sure Brielle has transportation back to her hotel? I don’t want her spending money on rideshares,” he asks, waiting at the door for her response.
“You got it, Boss,” she responds with a mock salute, making him laugh as he heads out. Once he’s gone, she turnsher attention to me, excitement in her expression. “Guess that means I’m getting a sitter tonight.”
She picks up her phone and begins typing out a message. I take a moment to pull out my laptop and send a quick email to Liv and Keith, so they know I’m alive.
At least for now.
The thought reminds me that I currently have a guard dog watching over me, and I’m not entirely sure he’s going to love the idea of a downtown bar. Part of me loves that it will annoy him, while the more logical side of my brain knows the risk I will be taking, exposing myself to anyone hoping to get their hands on me.
Well, shit.
I should probably at least let him know the plan.
Once I’ve sent off the two emails, letting them both know I broke my phone and won't have access until I return, I grab my coat from the back of the chair.
“I’ll be right back. I’m going to take a quick walk to work off some of this pent-up energy,” I say to Tris before walking to the elevator.
I know Ghost will be outside somewhere. Hopefully, my wandering out will pull his attention so I can talk to him. When we left for lunch, I tried to see if I could see where he was hanging out, but there was no sign of him.
I guess that's why they call him Ghost.
As I exit the building, the crisp cold hits me, and I tighten my jacket, wishing I had a scarf to block some of my face from the chill. The sidewalk is almost entirely deserted at this time of day, but a few people bustle from one building or another. Scanning the area, I know he has to be somewhere that would be able to see the entrance to the building.
Come on. Come on.
I wait there for a few minutes, hoping he will show himself, and I go with plan B when he doesn't.
I spot an alleyway between the two buildings across the street, which appears to lead to the road behind them, so I casually walk toward it.
“Abracadabra!” I whisper.
“Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,” I whisper, louder this time, while turning to the other side.
“Bodyguardo-appearo?” I try again.
“Damnit, Casper, where are you? I don’t have a virgin sacrifice or a Ouija board with me today!” I whisper a shout about halfway through, remembering what Dante told me about their hearing.