Page 18 of Understanding Fate

“I need to speak with Dante,” I state, not allowing her to continue. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s inefficiency.

Why do I have to go through two people to get to him?

“I understand that. Unfortunately, he’s in a meeting currently. May I ask who’s calling?” her voice keeps its polite tone as she dismisses me.

“This is more important than whatever he has going on,” I say, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice.

“Mr. Stone handles many high-profile clients, so I understand your problem may be more urgent to you. I’d be happy to take a message and have him return your call just as soon as he has an opening in his schedule. Or I can send you to one of the other department leads. Can you tell me the nature of the issue so I can find the right person to help you?” her voice doesn’t waver, and I clench my jaw as I turn the corner, bringing the two men back into my line of sight. They lean casually outside an office building across the street from the restaurant Brielle just entered.

“Look, I don’t care if he’s in that room with the president. I need you to get up, walk in there, and get him on the phone.”

“Who is this?” she asks, irritation slipping in.

“Quinn, was it? This is a matter of life or death, so if you could do your job and get your boss on the line,” I growl, no longer keeping my voice calm.

“That’s what we do here.Everythingis life or death. Myjobis to prioritize each emergency that comes in. Unless you can give me your name and the reason for your call, there’s nothing I can do for you.”

“Then you can let your boss know that whoever he has following the asset in Boston is about to die.” I hang up the phone, frustration boiling out of me at the woman's inability to follow basic instructions.

I bet she and City get along swell.

Exhaling, I attempt to calm myself down from the interaction as I walk past the restaurant. I can’t see Bri, or her associates from the front windows, so I turn down the alley, stopping by the back door to the building.

At least she’s not a sitting duck.

Though most of the people after her wouldn’t make a scene in such a public place. They would attempt to get her alone, especially since she’s worth nothing if she dies.

The vibration in my hand shows me that Dante has responded to my missed call with a text message.

Everything ok? I’m in an LLC meeting about Brielle. I can’t talk.

Your guy back in communication?

Yes. Carter was delayed at airport security. He should be following her now.

Who’s with him?

Nyxon Montgomery. He’s assisting until my team lands in an hour. We had FCC issues getting out last night and couldn’t clear until this morning.

Got it. I’ll pull back and let them do their job. Speaking of, you need to fire your secretary. She nearly got them both killed.


She’s incompetent. Wouldn’t even put my call through.

That’s on me. I told her this meeting was the top priority. I’m trying to stall the Reno investigation. They want Brielle at headquarters.

She’d be safer there.

That may be true, but I promised her time to figure out where she wanted to be. She only gets this trip.

Does she know?

Cain’s on his way.

Not sure he’s the best messenger, considering.

His Mate. His choice.