As we move to the elevator, I scan the lobby again to see if anyone is taking note of us leaving, but everyone seems to be working or engaged in conversations.
I breathe a sigh of relief when the doors close, and we’re headed up.
“Nervous?” she asks politely.
“Very. I’ve wanted this job for a long time,” I answer honestly.
“Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but I think it's already yours. Ethan has been raving about the ideas you discussed. We’ve actually already pulled the preliminary numbers on the sustainability initiative,” she says, surprising me.
“Really? Huh. I came up with that during the interview based on an article I’d read earlier in the week. It was a big swing proposal at the moment. I can’t believe he ran with it,” I finish, a little taken aback by the pride I feel.
They’re using my ideas.
“Oh yes,” she starts as the doors open on the third floor. “One thing you will learn about Ethan is that he loves actionablesteps. He jumps into things he believes in with both feet. We’re lucky he’s right most of the time, or it would cost us a fortune.”
She laughs, and I realize my nerves are gone.
“What are you two conspiring about?” a male voice pulls my attention as we head toward Tristan’s office.
“Oh, nothing much,” she says while winking at me, mischief crossing her expression as Ethan comes into view.
He looks exactly like the photo on the company website. He's in his early forties, clean-shaven, and has salt-and-pepper hair. He’s wearing a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and grey slacks. Clear-framed glasses hide his almond eyes but do nothing to cover the laugh lines that are etched into his skin.
I can tell he spends a lot of time smiling, which puts me at ease.
“Tristan here was spilling all the company secrets. I think you might need to give her a raise. She’s far too valuable to lose, especially with all the information at her disposal,” I add, feigning seriousness and causing him to laugh out loud.
“Tris wouldn’t leave me. Her kids love me too much,” he says, crossing his arms. His confidence oozes from him, immediately making me realize he reminds me of an older Keith.
“He’s right about that. Spoils them both rotten.”
“Bribery’s an excellent negotiation tool; all I need is some sour patch kids or a trip for ice cream, and it’s like I hung the moon,” he says before turning more serious. “I’m glad you made it in today. I was worried you’d cancel when I didn’t hear from you last night. Did you get to your hotel alright?”
His question makes me pause because I messaged him, but he didn’t respond. I know my messages were going out because I could text Liv, Keith, and Cain.
I wonder if my phone’s been compromised somehow…
“Oh, well, I made the mistake of leaving my phone at the airport in Las Vegas. It must have fallen out of my carry-on when I was loading the plane,” I lie, trying for a reasonable excuse for not confirming I made it. “They contacted me this morning at the hotel, and my roommate is picking it up later today, so I get to have this experience without any distractions from social media or the million games I have stored on there,” I ramble, realizing it’s probably more information then they needed.
“Way to turn a negative into a positive. Well, if you’d like to use a company phone while you're here, just let Tris know, and we will set you up with one. I have a meeting across town, but I should be back for the staff meeting at 1 pm.”
“Don’t forget the gift bag; it's by Genny’s desk,” Tristan says, waving me to follow her.
“Got it. It's nice to meet you finally, Brielle. We’re excited you're here!” he shouts over his shoulder as he walks onto the elevator.
“It’s right in here,” Tristan pulls my attention back as we enter her office. "You can put your things over here,” she adds, pulling her jacket off to hang it on the back of her chair. She reveals an orange tank top blouse paired with black slacks, but it's her beautifully colored tattoos that pull my attention.
Flowers peak out at her collarbone, and a lion with detailed line work stretches up her arm, with more pink flowers around it, completing her half-sleeve.
Bright hair colors, tattoos… I like the culture here.
Turning away to set my coat and bag down before she catches me staring at her, I tug my sleeve, which covers my watercolor-lightening bug, and feel even more like I would fit in here.
Add to the Pro list.
A beautiful beach picture of her with her family is on her back wall. Her husband and two children stand beside her, all wearing giant smiles as the sun sets behind them.
“Have you had coffee? Breakfast? Where do we need to start?” she asks, pulling my attention from the photo.