Page 71 of Understanding Fate

She’s a fucking Alpha.

More than that, she’s stronger than me.


Four hours later, she’s still a wolf, and I’m pulling my hair out.

She can’t stay like this.

Can she stay like this?

Has anyone ever gotten stuck?

I reach back through every memory I have, and the few that have taken a while to shift have always been forced to through the use of command.

Well, that didn’t fucking work!

Every fiber of my being wants to reach out to Dante, tell him what’s going on. Find a solution. Hopefully before she actually freezes to death.

Thankfully, she’s stayed close to the cabin, not venturing off into the woods again, but somethings got to give.

Setting my pride aside, I pick up the phone and call Ghost.

Maybe he has some idea I haven’t thought of.

“I wonder if I’m going to need to increase my plan. All these calls are adding up,” he says when he picks up.

“Apologies. We have a problem,” I say, keeping my eyes on her as she paces the front area.

“You mean you have a problem,” he retorts with a laugh. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t get her back,” I say, defeat evident in my voice.

“You lost her?”

“No, I didn’t lose her. I can’t get her to shift back!” I say, irritated.

“So use command to force her,” he says, like its the most obvious solution.

“Oh my gosh, what a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that? Oh, wait! I fucking already tried. Her wolf basically laughed at my attempt,” I say, anger flowing from me.

Silence follows my statement for several moments before uncontrolled laughter rolls out of him.

Oh, he thinks this is funny.

“Not sure your laughter is helping here,” I state, glaring at the phone.

Catching his breath, he responds.

“Ha, I’m sorry, but the fact that you thought she wasn’t going to be even more stubborn as a wolf is hilarious. Have you met her?” Laughter again. “Whew, thank you. I needed that after the night I’ve had.”

“Happy to help… Now, do you have any useful suggestions?” I ask.

“You could knock her out with something. Subconscious her is much easier to deal with,” he says, humor still evident in his tone.

“I’m not knocking her out,” I say, rolling my eyes at the thought.

“Then your only option is food. The only time she ever shuts up or stops being snarky is when she eats. Lure her back with food. She especially likes chili,” he says before disconnecting the call.