“Oh no, I love scary movies. Monsters, masked bad guys, spooky abandoned houses. They really make you feel alive,” she says, her voice animated, as we approach the check-in desk.
“I can think of a few ways to make you feel alive,” I say, ensuring I’m loud enough for the receptionist and guard to overhear.
God, I hate this.
I have to physically push my wolf back, reminding him we need a way into this damn building, or I can’t get to Bri. A throat clearing has me slowly taking my attention away from Jess, a sly smile pasted on my face.
“Can I help you two?” The man at check-in asks, his eyes bouncing from Jess to me.
“We’d like a room,” I say to him as Jess blushes and tucks herself under my arm as if embarrassed.
“Of course, sir, do you have a reservation?”
“I don’t, but any room will do if you know what I mean,” I say deliberately, raking my eyes down Jess’s petite frame with feigned interest.
Recognition flashes on the man's face, and he quickly gets us checked into an available room one floor away from Bri.
Grabbing the key, I turn Jess toward the elevator, giving the man a wave of thanks, keeping up the lust-filled appearance by dropping my mouth to just below her ear.
As soon as the doors close and we‘re alone, we separate. Jess throws her earpiece in and tests the connection to Pres. I do the same, making sure we can communicate through this mission.
The doors open on the third floor, and we both get out, moving swiftly down the hall. I slide the key into the slot and push inside when the light turns green.
“Ok, Pres, what do you need to access the camera systems?” I ask, hoping this will work.
“I’m working on brute-forcing the login to their surveillance system; it should only take me a few minutes. Once I’m in, I’ll need to loop the camera feeds so the guards are watching old footage. I’ll let you know when you're clear,” she rattles off, and I use the time to send a mind-link to Dante.
Cain: We’re in position at the hotel. We have three minutes to contact you. What’s going on there?
Dante: The panel members stepped out to discuss. I should have a verdict shortly.
Cain: If there hasn’t been a decision, why are we on plan b?
Dante: The lineage test came back. Deacon Marlo is Brielle’s biological father.
Cain: No. Fucking. Way.
I growl, and Jess whips her head in my direction, tensing with uncertainty.
Dante: He already has half the panel in his pocket. This gave them precisely the reason they needed to give her to him without looking shady.
Cain: What are the odds? Fucking Deacon Marlo. Did he know?
Dante: I don’t think so. He hasn’t spoken since the announcement, but his reaction was pure shock.
Cain: If we do this, there is no going back. I’m sorry to put you in this situation, but her worst fear is being returned to him. I swore I wouldn’t let that happen.
Dante: We discussed this. I’m prepared to face the consequences head-on. When you get her clear, send Jess to the jet and disappear. We need to be in the air before they discover she’s missing, and I can’t know where you are. I’ll reach out when we have a plan. Good luck.
He finishes, and I let the news settle.
How can I tell her the man who haunts her nightmares shares her DNA?
“Alright, She is in 416. You have one guard in the hall. Facial recognition IDs him as Tate Kent, Alpha assigned to the LLC on special projects since last May. So you can’t kill him; he’s too connected. Also, I scanned the building inhabitants just to cover our bases, and a Reno pack enforcer is registered on your floor in 322. This will need to be quiet and fast,” she says before turning her communication to Jess.
“Once Cain has the guard down, you need to head to the west stairwell exit and disarm the emergency alarm on the door. I can talk you through the wiring. You both will have less than two minutes to get away from the building before the alarm will reset, causing it to go off.”