“You know Superman’s the one who flies, right? Captain America doesn’t have a cape,” I say, making him laugh before groaning.
“Don’t make me laugh, asshole. It hurts,” he replies, his voice still light.
Opening my eyes, I look over at him to see his posture mirrors mine, and Finn is with Amira in the row behind us, looking every bit as ragged.
Fuck this trial.
I nap for the next half hour or so until I hear people begin to arrive. Alpha’s start filling in the sky boxes on the second floor with their entourages. I adjust my posture to avoid showing weakness and tap Marcus to do the same.
The areas aren’t labeled by pack, but as I scan them, I identify many leaders from events I have attended. I find myself searching for Luca, who I know wouldn’t miss this. I don’t expect my father to make an appearance, but Luca would be here for me. I know he will.
Noise behind me has me looking over my shoulder as Saint and his team come waltzing into the arena, the light leaving his eyes as he sees he has been beaten. The cold mask of indifference slides into place as his team sits across the aisle from us, looking well-rested. His eyes find Amira, and the creepy serial killer half-grin makes an appearance.
“Dieci, your humanity is showing. I would have thought someone with yourreputationwould have been decisive, not weak,” Conner says, his eyebrow lifting at the taunt.
“Well, that's what you get for thinking,” I retort, not giving him my attention as Rodriguez enters the arena floor and heads toward the stage, his face showing his distaste for how this trial ended.
I give him a full smile and a wave before making a gun with my fingers and blowing the end of it, pretending to holster it into my side, all while holding his eyes.
I know what you did, and I will kill you the moment this retreat ends.
His face pales, but his eyes lose none of the hatred oozing out of them. My reason for disliking him in the past was artificial and a mask I wore in faux support of my Alpha. My disdain now has its own reasons.
Get your affairs in order, Stickman. You’re dead.
Movement in one of the last empty boxes pulls my glare, and I see Luca staring down at me, a smile filling his entire face. My anger dissipates immediately as he gives me a thumbs up and a small air clap.
Giovanni: Well, I guess you didn’t completely fuck this up, Deacon. Are the alliances in place?
The mind-link statement surprises me, and it's only then that I see my father walk to the edge of the box. He’s dressed in a full suit despite the fact that we’re in the middle of the woods, and my mood sours immediately.
What the fuck is he doing here?
One of the staff members brings him a drink, and he takes the amber liquid without thanking them, not taking his eyes off me as he waits for my response.
Deacon: Who were those with again? Not sure I recall which alliances I was supposed to be making.
Giovanni’s jaw clenches, and the look of furious disappointment I have come to know so well slides into place.
There he is!
Giovanni: I should have killed you. Your insolence knows no bounds.Answer me!
He demands sliding command into the mind-link in an attempt to force the information out of me.
I may be tired, but my wolf has been dying to come out, and being able to take my Alpha down is almost too tempting. It takes more effort than usual to maintain my indifference before responding.
Deacon: Cute. Really. Someday you will realize that will not work on me. As for the alliances, Moore was removed before I could. I have McCormick.
I finish, my eyes flashing back to Finn, wondering if that were true. He had worked with us, but was it just for the trial? That, I didn’t fully know.
Giovanni: What is Rodriguez doing here?
Looking over at the stage, I see him sitting at the table behind the podium, discussing something with the Beta sitting next to him.
Deacon: He is running the retreat for the LLC.
Giovanni: Why wasn’t I informed?