Without opening it, he hands it to Kent to read and returns to the ground, pulling out his water as she begins going over the contents out loud.
“Congratulations on finding your item…”
When she finishes, Brad looks confused, and Conner is focused on the woman standing before him on the platform.
“Where is the map? Is it in there?” Sullivan asks once she finishes.
“There’s nothing else in the envelope,” Kent responds, motioning to Saint to take the letter, but he leaves her arm hanging in the air as he steps past them both, walking up to the woman.
From my vantage point, I see him untie her blindfold, pulling her chin up to look at her face.
“Where’s the map?” he demands.
“Beeaarrrk,” she chokes out around her gag, causing her to cough into his face. Without pause, Saint backhands her clean across the cheek, causing her to fall face-first into the platform with a strained scream of pain.
Every fiber of my being wants to intervene. My wolf nearly overtakes me, and I have to adjust my weight to allow myself to remain in control.
We. Can’t… Amira will see.
I fight with him, knowing he wants exactly what I want, to tear Saint’s disrespectful ass to shreds, but also trying to remember the promise I made minutes ago.
Regaining myself, I let out a few shallow breaths.
We can’t stay here. If their team finds us, we will be forced to fight, and then the LLC will be forced to kill Amira.
The woman cries on the platform as Saint stares down at her in disgust.
“One more time for me. I think you can do better than that,” he says, his silky tone not matching his words, though his body language appears completely calm despite his outburst. He places his hands together behind his back and waits expectantly.
From my position, I can see the profile of his face. The mother fucker is smirking and looks every bit the sadistic bastard Deacon warned me about.
He’s enjoying playing with his toy.
Disgusting, evil prick.
“Buh. Ack.” she pushes out, deliberately aiming her voice away from him so as to not have a repeat of the previous incident.
“Back?” Sullivan says, “Back where?” He stands up taller, looking over her as if it is just sitting on the floor.
“Muheye. Buh. Ack,” she tries again, still not lifting herself from the prone position on the wood.
Understanding lights Saint’s face, and he grabs the back of her sweatshirt, pulling her to a standing position. His hand shifts, revealing his wolf's claws, and my heart stops for a moment before my eyes flip to Amira tucked firmly into Deacon, her eyes shielded from the platform.
His eyes lift to mine, and I send a relieved thank you expression, hoping he knows what I mean. The quick dip of his chin, along with the brief closing of his eyes, tells me he does. When he refocuses on me, he motions that we need to go.
Fuck I wish we had mind-link abilities right about now. This would be so much easier.
I hear the fabric tear and know Saint has sliced the clothing right off her when a gasp escapes Kent’s lips.
At least one of them still has part of their soul.
They found their map. We need to go.
Turning to find Finn, I give him the ‘which way’ motion only to have him shrug and point back to Amira.
The Map.