PS. I got you the perfect present… Want me to spoil it or hold off until you get home?
December 24, 1982
I haven’t received a letter since the last one I sent, but I wanted to make sure this one got to you before Christmas. Ask Ashley for your gift. She has it tucked away in the closet. I hope it brings that smile to your face that I miss so much. Almost a month down, two more weeks to go until I can hear your voice on the phone. That will be the first one on my list for this letter.
16. Your voice.
17. I miss the way you order your burger ( no one likes pickles enough to ask for a triple helping).
18. I miss that Halloween costume you wore last year. The one with the handcuffs.
19. I miss your morning breath ( don’t you roll your eyes at me).
20. I miss the way you squeeze me extra tight before you let go of our hugs.
As for us here, we finished the duels. I came in second. Now, I know what you’re thinking: ‘How is that possible?’ Well, the final match was between Stone and I. He needed the win, and I needed to show the other Alphas that I could be beaten. They dismissed half of the Alphas at the end of the duels, so there are only twelve of us remaining as we head into the preparation for the final trial. We get a few days off for Christmas, not for our benefit, but so that the guards and leadership can celebrate with their families. I plan to spend the day thinking of all the places on your body I plan to mark when I return.
Merry Christmas, Tails.
Wish me luck!
PS. You are by far the best gift The Fates ever gave me. X
December 26, 1982
What do you mean you think someone is following you?!? Did you catch anyone’s scent in the treehouse? Do I need to have Luca check it out? Damnit, I knew I should have assigned an enforcer to protect you while I was away, but I was trying not to be an overbearing asshole. You can’t just spring something like that and tell me not to worry. I will ALWAYS protect you!
Please respond quickly, or I will leave here and come home to ensure your safety.
PS. I don’t miss how stubborn you are…. But I miss the stubborn face you make ( #21).
December 26, 1982
I need you to keep an eye on Grace. Someone is following her. Someone broke into the treehouse. Someone has a death wish the size of my boot up their ass.
Also, Grace said you’ve been stressed. Everything okay? Anything I should worry about. This retreat is a waste of time if everything falls apart while I’m gone. Please remind Ashley that I can fight my own battles and stop getting kicked out of school. Geez, I’m gone a month, and everyone is losing their minds.
As for here, we’re down to 12 cadets for the final trial. Hopefully, it’s like yours and most of us will make it, though from the whispers it sounds like it's every wolf for himself, and that means I have to compete and watch my back the whole time.
Please let me know if everything’s ok.
Hug mom for me, and tell her I’m fine.
December 30, 1982