Everything is a test.
Each color had five dots spaced around the area. My guess is these are the groupings for the next test.
“Normally, this is where we would congratulate you on making it through the first challenge. Introduce your training staff and send you off for the night. However, due to the murder of one of the cadets, we have been told to pause until the truth about the incident and all parties involved can be questioned and cleared. In the meantime, you are sequestered to your barracks except for meal times. Any one found out of the tents will face immediate removal.”
Whispers break out at the news of the murder, and eyes begin flipping around as each cadet silently guesses who is responsible. I don’t have to look around. I can feel the eyes sliding my way, full of judgment and disdain.
“Before you move, take a look at the colors on the dots at your feet. The next task requires you to work in teams of five. We’ll have you meet your team once the… legal nature of the attacks has been resolved. Food’s ready in the mess. Dismissed.”
From the corner of my eye, I see Marcus look down at his dot before sliding his gaze to mine. A half smile lifts the corner of his mouth before he nods and walks back toward the food tent. It’s at this moment I know we have a silent agreement. He’s got me, and I’ve got him.
First alliance secured. This may not be as hard as I thought.
Chapter 22
Sweatformsonmybrow as I consider the consequences of killing Alvarez. He may have attacked me first, but he had tapped out when I snapped his neck to send the message. It wouldn't be long before they made it through each interview and found out my involvement.
I hope I didn’t fuck this up.
Deacon didn’t seem worried, but why would he be? I was only his partner for the first event. Now that we’re here, who knows how long this tenuous agreement will remain. After inhaling my food without so much as tasting it, I return to the barracks hoping I can find a few minutes to mind-link with my Alpha to report in and ask about the next steps.
I'm not excited about explaining this to him.
Marcus: Alpha, we have a problem.
Alpha Barton: What kind of problem?
Marcus: They are investigating the death of Parker Alvarez.
Alpha Barton: And why does this affect me?
Marcus: Because I killed him.
Alpha Barton: Stupid boy. What did I tell you about staying below the radar?
Marcus: It was an unfortunate series of events, but I was well within my rights. He attacked me.
Alpha Barton: Did anyone see you kill him?
My mind flashes to Deacon clapping at the sound of Alvarez’s demise, and I decide to withhold that little detail.
Marcus: No, we were alone.
Alpha Barton: Then you keep your mouth shut. No one needs to know it was you who was involved.
Marcus: Yes, Alpha.
Alpha Barton: Any other news? Have you met up with the Martin kid?
Marcus: Not yet. They have us sequestered. I will attempt an alliance once we are back in the game.
Alpha Barton: Remember how much is riding on this. I want Nevada. We will need the surrounding packs if we push Northern Nevada’s territory.
Marcus: I understand.
I finish our conversation, grinding my teeth at the thought of my Alpha’s need for power. It mattered more than his own son, and now I am the ambassador who is supposed to align with packs to give him the upper hand.