Page 126 of Villainous Fate

“I thought that part was clear. I know this pack has set up plans in the past to take over the state, but as you and I have a more… complicated history, I’d like to ensure that we coexist. Independently,” he says, using his hands to show the separation.

It takes me a full minute to comprehend the conversation.

“Oh, okay. Sure. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I’ve never had any intention of moving into Northern Nevada Pack territory…” I start, and he cuts me off.

“Reno Pack. Our name has changed to the Reno Pack,” he corrects.

“I hadn’t heard there was a change; I’m sorry. But I never had any plans even before everything happened,” I say, trying to reassure him that I am not now, nor have I ever been.

“Well, as we have seen, plans change, so I’d like the legal pieces in place. This way, any breach of contract would keep me from losing anything else,” he responds. His face gives away no emotion despite his words cutting me deep.

I never wanted to hurt you. I never would have taken her, despite my growing feelings. I would have longed for her for a lifetime before I chose to hurt you. You’re my best friend.

All the words I want to say bounce around in my mind, but none sneak out. Deacon Marlo, who sits in front of me, isn’t my best friend—not anymore. I took the trust he placed in me and destroyed it, even though I didn’t want to. Even though it hurts me to see him sitting there without any shred of friendship, it still happened. It’s still my fault.

Reaching my hand out, I signal for him to pass over the documents, not intending to read them seriously. I would give him everything he is asking for. I would give everything up to fix this break—well, everything except Grace.

And that’s the only thing he wants —the only thing he’s ever wanted.

“Do you need these completed today, or can I review them and send them back?” I ask, hoping he will say today because it would mean spending more time with him.

“Take your time. Send them back before the end of the month,” he answers, pushing back his chair to stand. His hand lifts in a professional manner as if to shake mine, almost dismissively.

I place my palm in his and gently squeeze, not trying to appear aggressive but hoping he reads the gesture as an apology.

“Take good care of her. Anything happens, falls on you,” he says, leveling his eyes on mine before releasing it.

As I turn to leave the office I hear him speak one more time, just slowly enough for me to pick up the Italian.

“Va tutto bene, niente va bene.”

Grace would later tell me its meaning.

Everything is fine, but nothing is alright.

If that didn’t describe this whole mess, I didn’t know what did.

Chapter 62


15 Years Later

Ashleywaddlesintomyoffice, my espresso steaming in her hand. Her pregnant belly protrudes like a basketball under her shirt, and I smile. After I took over the pack, she stepped in to help me get all of the paperwork in order. She worked as my assistant before and after school for the next two years before officially filling the position when she graduated.

I liked having her close to me to ensure she was protected. Alpha females carry a high value in our society, and I wouldn’t let the things I’d seen happen to the females in Miami happen to her.

When she asked me to go to a mating retreat five years ago, my initial response was an adamant no. Believing in The Fates has been a hard no for me ever since… I shake my head, bringing me back to the present so I don’t fall back into the destructive hole that is memory lane.

Vincent continues his assessment of the new shipment from our Miami allies, and I nod at Ashley in thanks for the caffeine.

Deacon: I appreciate it, but get off your feet. You shouldn’t be doing so much.

I send to her in a mind-link.

Ashley: I’m pregnant, not disabled. And I have two more months to go. You sound like Kellen. He’s devolved into constant paranoia. I can’t lift a finger at home, which is crazy because he wasn’t like this when I was pregnant with Kara. Let me work here, or I'll go crazy.

She finishes making me laugh, which startles Vincent, who isn’t privy to our conversation. Clearing my throat, I turn my attention back to him.