Page 93 of Prohibited

“I’ve died,” he said hoarsely. “And gone to heaven.” He caught her hand and tossed the soiled linen away. With a tired smile, he drew her knuckles against his lips. “You are absolutely–”

They both stilled and looked at each other. “Was that the phone?” she asked, heart slamming into her ribcage. Reality cut through the halo of happy pleasure that had kept her, for a moment, from thinking about their present circumstances.

“Yes,” Lindsay said, his face growing serious.

Evie scrambled for her dress and yanked it over her head. She didn’t bother with her camisole or her drawersand instead, quickly cleaned herself up with a clean linen, and then helped Lindsay get his trousers pulled back up. She was just finishing buttoning the last of them when they heard footsteps coming down the hall. They looked at each other, the same fear reflecting in each of their eyes.

A brief knock sounded at the door before it swung open, revealing Saoirse standing there, tall and rigid.

“Joey just called,” Saoirse said, mouth tight and eyes hard. “Alex and Ryan have been arrested.”

A brief but stunned silence followed as they all stared at one another. Evie’s legs slowly gave out and she sat on the edge of the bed.

“Malcolm too?” Lindsay said, sitting forward. The beautiful, happy glow had completely evaporated from his face. The flush and the soft sheen of sweat on his forehead looked out of place with the grim expression he wore.

“No, not Malcolm,” Saoirse said. “Malcolm is with Joey. Alex and Ryan never showed up to the rendezvous.” She began to pace a little near the door of the room, her body moving in sharp, angular gestures.

“How did they find out, then?” Lindsay said he wiped at this forehead with his wrist, watching his sister with serious eyes.

“One of the girls at Lola's is sweet on Hiloha,” Saoirse said, flicking her hair out of her stormy face. “She rang him as soon as she had the chance to tell him what happened.”

“Well, shit.” Lindsay made a face as he sat all the way up and began to lower his feet to the ground.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Evie put a hand on his leg, giving him a sharp look.

“Well, we have to go get them out,” Lindsay said, as though it should be obvious.

“I have to go and get them out,” said Evie. “You need to stay here and get better.”

“Not a chance.” Lindsay pulled his leg out of her hand and put both feet on the floor.

“We are going to get them out,” Saiorse said, stepping forward. She put her hands on her hips and glared at her brother. “You are staying here, Linds.”

“No,” he said, glaring at his sister. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m going to let you two go and–”

“Not us two,” Evie said, quickly. She turned to look at Saoirse. “I really think– Since I’m the one– They’re in there because of me. I don’t want anyone else to–”

“You can’t go on your own,” Saoirse said, flatly. “And it isn’t going to be safe to ask Malcolm or the other boys to go. What if they arrest them too? They’re looking for you. They’ve probably arrested them under suspicion of your kidnapping, so if you go and present yourself they’ll have to let them out. And I’ll be there in case there’s trouble.”

“I’m going,” Lindsay said again through his teeth.

“No, you’re not,” both women said at the same time.

“Lindsay, you’re injured,” Evie said. “Darling, you won’t be any good to anybody. What if something happened to you?”

“That’s my cousin,” Lindsay said, anger flushing his cheeks. “That’s my lover they have locked up.”

“Yes,” Saoirse said, unmoved. “And they would both agree with us.”

“Saoirse, I don’t think–” Evie said again. “What if–” She swallowed. “What if Walter–?”

Saoirse stared at her, green eyes turning to ice. “Oh, believe me, Evie,” she said softly. “I would love to run into Walter Stanley again.”

Chapter thirty-two


While it had always been a distinct possibility, especially in his line of work, Ryan had hoped to never hear the sound of a heavy iron door swinging shut behind him again. And the chaotic clash of keys as the lock turned. His freedom evaporated in the sound of a heavy click. The copper in the blue uniform standing on the other side of the bars sneered at them, tiny eyes glinting above his swollen red cheeks.