Page 39 of Prohibited

Still keeping eye contact with him, Alex leaned forward and bit into her shoulder. Ryan’s eyes traveled to the woman’s face. Alex wished he could see it as clearly, but he would settle for seeing Ryan’s expression while he touched her.

He pressed his face into the place where her neck met her shoulder, breathing in deeply. The smell of her body was absolutely intoxicating. He opened his mouth and bit her at the back of her neck until she wailed. He relinquished his morsel and licked the teeth marks that he left, purple against the white of her perfect flesh.

“Make that sound for me again,” he said. And then tilted his head slightly to make another deep imprint with his teeth. She wailed again. And although he had instructed her to, he doubted that she could have resisted.

His hands moved up and down her torso, crushing her back against him. He rubbed his face against her flesh. The desire to merge with her was so strong that he restrained himself so that he didn’t destroy the experience with his haste. He was a man of delayed gratification.

After all, he’d been waiting for Ryan for ten years. He was a patient man.

He looked over and locked eyes with Ryan as he slipped one of his hands down into her drawers. She writhed against him.

“Stop,” she said, suddenly. Voice intense. She started to struggle against him. “Please, just– Just fucking stop!”

He ignored her as his fingers stroked the silken hair of her cunt. The texture of it against his fingers caused him to take in and then release a shuddering breath. When had he ever touched a woman so beautiful? They were so rare, women who were this exquisite. It was a shame that he had to dispense with her.

But not yet.

His fingers circled to the opening of her sopping wet cunt again, though she shifted and bucked her hips, trying to throw his hand off.

“No,” she said again. “Don’t! Do not–”

He slipped his fingers inside the hot, wet silk and, to his profound surprise, brushed the tip of something hard. Curiosity and confusion suddenly surged through him.

But before he could contemplate the mystery any further, she suddenly threw her head back. A loud crunch. His nose erupted into blinding pain and black, explosive rage burst through him. Then she was throwing herself away from him, trying to scramble away. Ryan was there suddenly, trapping her on the ground, and she kicked at him, screaming like she was being murdered.

Alex watched them with cold, murderous detachment while he regained control of his temper. Hot, wet blood was dripping down his face and when he glanced down at the fist he had clenched into his lap, there were bright spots of blood on his flesh and on the brilliant white of his silk undershirt.

Ryan was sitting on top of her, knees on either side of her belly while she thrashed and cursed at him.

Alex slowly got to his feet. He was beginning to feel much calmer now. Though in his younger days he would have allowed his temper to prevail, he’d learned long ago that it was a waste to allow anger to get the best of him in the moment. He was far more disposed to execute a response that he was satisfied with if he kept himself under control.

“Clever,” he said as he approached them. Ryan had her by the wrists and was holding them against her chest while she panted and writhed. “Until you consider that you must have thought we’d behave like gentlemen to not discover that you’re hiding a secret, Mrs. Colter.”

She stopped moving then and simply stared at him, tense fear rising through her expression.

“What?” Ryan said, raising his eyebrows slightly as he looked at Alex over his shoulder.

Just the sight of him on top of her, trapping her with his body, was almost enough to make Alex come in his pants. What he wouldn’t give to watch Ryan fuck her.

“She’s hidden something in that lovely cunt of hers,” Alex said. “Hold onto her.” Then he stepped so that he was standing, straddling her. She kicked at him, but he dropped down and locked her legs between each of his thighs and his calves while he kneeled on the ground.

A shriek erupted from her and she started bucking against both of them, thrashing as if her life depended on it. Alex hooked his fingers into the legs of her drawers and yanked them down, revealing dark, silken curls between her creamy thighs. Just the sight made his mouth water. She stopped kicking suddenly and slammed her thighs together.

“Ryan,” she said. “Ryan, please.” She started to say something else, but her mouth was suddenly muffled, presumably by his hand. Though she tried her best to trap Alex’s hand away from her cunt, kicking and squirming, he got his fingers between her thighs again and plungedhis fingers inside of her, immediately encountering the hard object again. Trapping it between his forefinger and his middle finger, he drew it out and then held it up to the light.

Then, he laughed. He leaned forward to hold it in front of Ryan’s face, loving the reason to be so close to him, pressing against his back with his face so close to Ryan’s.

“What the fuck is that?” Ryan said, dark eyebrows coming together. Alex dropped it into his palm.

“What does it look like?” Alex said, looking down at their prisoner. “It’s a fucking key.”

Ryan held it up, and then also looked down at Evelyn, who was now watching both of them with resigned but furious eyes over Ryan’s hand, held over her mouth to muffle her protests.

“Where the fuck did you get–?” Ryan started to say, but then he stopped himself and made a snide noise. “So that’s why you fucked him.”

“Clever Dolly,” Alex said. “And here I thought she just had bad taste. I must say, I’m impressed. What a resourceful woman you are. Unfortunately, you’ve given me yet another reason to punish you.”

“I didn’t know what Walter was going to do,” she said suddenly. “Your brother– I didn’t know. He said it was going to be a robbery.”