Ryan came again that day and silence passed between them, as always. She’d stopped trying to get him to speak to her after she’d made up her mind to escape. It was too painful, for one thing. Far easier to pretend he was anyone but who he was. And for another, it was best not to draw attention to herself in the least. She would be quiet, humble, submissive, obedient. Anything they wanted.
Lindsay came the next morning.
And then, miracle of miracles, Simon came into the cell the following afternoon.
“Hey there,” she said to him in a husky voice, giving him her most seductive smile.
“Hey, pretty,” he said quietly, his eyes sparking like they always did when he looked at her. “Come on now, haven’t got all day.”
Then he unlocked the cell and let her step out, wasting no time to grab her by the waist and march her along.
She allowed him to lead her down the corridor to the washroom, where she steeled herself for what was to come. Though she hadn’t bathed properly since she’d arrived in this place, she still did her best to wash in the sink every day, which she did now, washing and awkwardly drying her body and her hair with the expensive bar soap kept in the washroom for guests.
When she was finished, Simon led her back down the corridor with her heart hammering. In the dark, she slipped one of her hands over his and slowly drew it up, over her breasts. His breath caught and his big hand closed over her breast. The other one mirrored its twin on her other breast, pawing at her. Then he flipped her around until her back was against the wall.
“You want some of this?” he grumbled in her ear, grinding his erection against her stomach. Revulsion morphed into the horrifying urge to laugh, which she choked down.
“Oh yes,” she crooned at him. “You know I do. You have to know that, don’t you?”
“Oh yeah,” he answered her, kneading at her breasts. “I seen the way you look at me, little miss.”
His breath smelled like dill. Dear God.
“Not here,” she whispered. “Someone might see us. Back in the cell. No one will disturb us there.”
“Come on then,” he said impatiently. Then he grabbed her by the arm and towed her along until he was practically kicking the door to her room open. He turned toward her again and pressed his sloppy mouth over hers, grabbing her by her other arm.
God, she’d love to slap him in his stupid face. Instead, she broke her mouth away and whispered, “Put me in the cell first. That way if someone walks in we can pretend we weren’t doing anything.” She batted her eyes at him. “I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”
“But if you’re back in the cell…” His eyebrows came together.
“I can think of at least one way to solve the problem,” she said, skimming her fingertip down his cheek. “All I have to do is turn around and bend over.”
A dark light lit his eyes and a nauseating smile crossed his face. “Now you’re thinking.”
Well, thank god. She’d been mildly panicking the whole time that he’d refuse her. If he insisted on fucking her before he got her back in the cell then he would notice the key was gone. It was essential she was back in the cell and locked inside before she took it. That way, it would be a long time coming before the key would need to be accounted for and the blame would lay squarely with himlong enough that it just might afford her the opportunity to execute her plan.
In the meantime, she was going to have to fuck him.
Perish the thought.
Taking a deep breath, she went to work kissing his clumsy, inexpert mouth with as much passion as she could muster. She backed him toward the cell, allowing him to paw open her robe and moan at the sight of her mostly naked body. Normally she took great pleasure in the effect she had on men, but now she felt cold to his responses.
Well, in a way she was pleased. He was falling perfectly into her trap.
“Into the cell,” she urged. “Quickly. We don’t want to get caught.”
“Right, right, go on,” he said, giving her a little push through the open door. Then he swung the door shut behind her and locked it. Then she watched him drop the key in his right pocket and hurry toward the bars, putting both of his hands through. “Come on, come on.”
Evie went toward him and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him through the bar again. She made a big show of running her hands down his fleshy chest and stomach, then slipped her hands over his fly and fitted one of them around the outline of his erection in his pants. He groaned and her stomach roiled with revulsion. Well, it wasn’t like she’d never fucked a man before that she didn’t want. She looked up at him and kissed him again, going at his mouth fiercely, which he returned while he clutched ather breasts. She pawed at his erection and then unbuttoned the ladder of his fly with swift, practiced fingers before she drew his penis out of his trousers and set to work at it while she kissed his mouth and tried to muffle all of the foul sounds he was making. Meanwhile, in the throes of his ecstasy, she slipped her left hand into his right pocket and felt her fingers close around the slim, metal key.
Her heart thumped hard in her chest as she drew her hand out, quickly and skillfully as a thief. One second that spread into eternity passed while she was certain he’d notice. But he didn’t. He just went on groaning like a bison while she dealt with his erection.
As soon as she could dare, she stood and flipped around, dropping her drawers. Then she pressed her closed fist to her chest, secreting the key within her fingers. She bent forward, pulling her robe up to give him a good look at her backside and the secret treasure between her thighs.
“Jesus,” he said and started stroking himself so excitedly that she hoped he would come before he got a chance to enter her. No such luck. “Come over here,” he ordered her.
Suppressing a sigh, she backed herself right up against the grate. He reached through the bars and fondled her backside and cunt.