Page 54 of Prohibited

God, this was awful. But God, it was also so fucking good. What was wrong with him?

“I want your submission,” Alex said into his ear. Hot breath sent another bolt of lust through him and he closed his eyes. “I want your pain.”

What would Tommy–?

No. No, he wasn’t going to allow himself to think about that right now. Tommy wasn’t here.

Ryan swallowed because he couldn’t even speak. Alex’s hands slowly took the shape of Ryan’s thighs in their grasp and began to move gradually up the length of them and back down. Neither of them moved otherwise, both holding their breath.

“I remember when you came to live with us,” Alex said in that same almost inaudible voice. “You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. You are still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

Ryan closed his eyes and smothered the smallest moan. Shame shot through him like pain and caused him to move back just a fraction of an inch, but Alex caught him by the back of the neck and shifted his head slowly so that they were face to face. So close that Ryan could feel the warmth of his breath on his face, sweet from whisky justlike his own and hot with desire. His blue eyes glittered dark and light, cold gems brought up from the deep.

“This shouldn’t happen,” Ryan said, voice as quiet as Alex. A plea to release him. A plea to justify not releasing him.

Alex smiled, a slow sensual smile. “It doesn’t matter what should happen,” he said, inclining his head slightly. “What matters is what will happen.”

Ryan shook his head ever so slightly, gripping Alex’s wrist even harder, the conflict raging inside of him. Alex leaned even closer, and a thrill went through Ryan that snatched the breath from his lungs.

“I want to taste your cock,” Alex whispered against his lips. An admission that sent such a boiling wave of desire through him his eyes fluttered closed. “I want to swallow it down until you come and I want to drink every last drop of you. I want to taste every inch of this glorious body. And then I want to make you suffer. I want to make you scream with the agony of pain and pleasure until you disintegrate and I rebuild you.”

“Oh God,” Ryan breathed. Every nerve in his body was on fire. He opened his eyes and they danced back and forth between Alex’s eyes, searching his expression for anything. Everything.

“I–” Alex started to say, but his words were swallowed by Ryan as crushed his cigarette into the ashtray and then drew Alex against him, eliminating the space between their bodies.

It was like being burned by ice. A tight, blazing feeling moving through him. Pain, abject discomfort. But also wave after wave of throbbing pleasure as their lips met. Alex opened his mouth and met Ryan passion for passion. He broke his hand free of Ryan’s grip and grabbed a handful of Ryan’s hair. Their mouths met over and over again, snapping apart only to come back together to taste more, to consume more. A dance of wanton lust.

Ryan crushed Alex’s body against him with one hand on his lower back and moaned when he felt Alex’s cock, hard as stone, pressing against his own.

“Oh fuck,” Alex breathed between heated, famished kisses.

It was a battle for dominance between them. Was that what enticed him so much about Alex? Alex was nearly a head shorter than he was, but had the presence of a man twelve feet tall.

Even when they’d fucked all those years ago, it had been a battle between them. Alex was something to conquer.

His hands went to Alex’s suspenders and yanked them down over his shoulders. Alex released him momentarily to shrug them off of his arms. Their lips met again, hot as red iron. Alex took Ryan’s lip between his teeth and bit down. But it wasn’t just a nip. He kept biting until Ryan jerked and hissed. Reflexively, he raised a hand to crack across the side of his head. But he hesitated, teetering on the brink between pain and pleasure. Something about the pain anchored him and enhanced the delicious cocktail of pleasure rippling through him.

He moaned sharply, flinching against his desire to break away. It was like the edge of a cliff he kept running toward and the closer he got, it always moved just one step further.

When the coppery taste of blood washed over his tongue, sharp and metallic, Alex at last relinquished his morsel. His tongue replaced his teeth, eagerly tasting the blood that had begun to well out of Ryan’s lip.

At the taste of blood, Alex moaned and began to kiss him with such a fury that Ryan felt like he was going to fucking explode in his pants. His lip stung with every caress of Alex’s lips and tongue, but the brilliant pain was a riptide threatening to drag him under. His fingers went to Alex’s fly and began to wrestle desperately with the buttons to get them open. Alex’s fingers found his cock through the wool of his trousers and he broke his lips away to look down between them and moan. The expression on his face alone nearly made Ryan come–rapture so intense that it bordered on pain.

It wasn’t like this the first time. The first time had been hot, fumbling, full of illicit thrills. This time, it was fucking volcanic. Years of unspoken desire and resentment erupting between them.

Their lips found each other again and their hands continued the desperate struggle to remove clothing. Ryan got enough buttons uncoupled on Alex’s pants that he was just about to pull them open when Alex froze, hands pressing against Ryan’s shoulders.

“What?” Ryan whispered. He pulled his head back a little bit and blinked hard, trying to clear his mind. Alex was turning his head left and right, up and down, eyes roving everywhere. “What is it?”

Alex looked back at him, alarm fracturing the heat of his lust. “Do you smell smoke?”

Ryan tipped his head back and inhaled deeply, trying to catch something beyond the smell of their sweat, lingering whisky, Alex’s piney cologne and the smell of his body.

And there it was, a toasted hint of smoke. He and Alex locked eyes. Adrenaline started to vibrate through him like a hive of angry bees.

“Yes,” Ryan said.

Alex pushed away from him and began to button his pants. “Fuck.”