“Something like that.”
“Okay, tough guy. I can deal with that,” she said lightly. “I’ll do the talking.”
Ian couldn’t stop a surprised bark of laughter from escaping his lips. He shifted to face her. “Look,” he began, “I don’t mean to be a jerk, but I’m not in the mood to talk.”
“Too bad,” she uttered.
The longing simmering in the depths of her chocolate eyes tugged at him. Maybe in another time or place, he would’ve entertained the idea of getting to know her. However, right now was the worst time. He blew out a long breath. It was better just to lay all his cards on the table, here and now. “Furthermore, I don’t have the time nor the energy to invest in a relationship right now.”
Her lyrical laughter cut him off short.
“What?” he grumbled.
“You certainly have a high opinion of yourself.”
Wariness trickled through him. “What do you mean?”
“You assume that because I sat down and struck up a conversation that I’m interested in you.”
He bunched his brows. “It was a logical assumption. We are in a bar, after all.” Ian was in no mood for games.
Amusement danced in her eyes as a partial smile slid over her lips. “Maybe I just needed a place to sit while I waited for my date to arrive.”
He blinked, not sure how to respond. He rewound the conversation back through his brain. It certainly felt like she was hitting on him. A new interest percolated inside him. This woman kept him on his toes. He liked that. His eyebrow lifted. “Do you seriously expect me to believe you’re waiting for someone?”
Her eyes zinged with mirth as her words came out in a chiding lilt. “I suppose you can believe whatever your little heart desires.”
“Well, hello, darling,” a skinny, corporate-type guy drawled as he stepped up beside Sadie, flashing a cocky grin. “Please tell me that you’re Sadie Thomas.”
Sadie shot Ian a triumphant look that said,I told you so.
“I guess I stand corrected,” he grinned. They shared a look that pumped Ian’s blood faster.
The guy cleared his throat.
Ian took a quick assessment. Expensive dress shirt and slacks. A pretty-boy smoothness that suggested he lived behind a desk. Something in the predatory way the guy’s eyes moved over Sadie raised Ian’s hackles. He certainly didn’t like how the guy’s gaze seemed to get stuck on Sadie’s chest. If first impressions meant anything, Ian’s instincts were screaming that this guy was bad news.
“Are you Sadie Thomas?” the guy repeated.
“I am,” Sadie answered. Her jaw tightened as she placed a hand over her neck. Probably a protective mechanism to cover up her cleavage.
A wide smile filled the guy’s face as he pointed to himself. “I’m Brad Wilson, your date.” He spoke like Sadie had just won the jackpot of her life.
Sadie threw Ian a quick glance before her eyes darted back to Brad. “Nice to meet you.”
Her voice had a queer edge to it. Ian got the impression that Sadie was silently asking him to save her from a calamitous blind date.
“I got us a table,” Brad announced, shooting Ian a territorial glare.
The hair on the back of Ian’s neck rose as he met the guy’s eyes full on.
Sadie nodded as she reached for her clutch purse and club soda. She rose to her feet and then turned, holding Ian’s gaze. “Nice meeting you, Ian.” Her voice hung on his name.
“Nice meeting you too.” Ian realized that he didn’t want her to leave, especially not with some dufus who was leering at her chest.
“Let’s go,” Brad said smoothly as he took Sadie’s arm. He threw Ian a glare that said,She’s with me.
Ian watched them go, tracing the outline of Sadie’s slim, erect shoulders. Her red dress hugged her figure, displaying long, toned legs. He got lost for a moment in the gentle swaying motion of her hips before forcing his gaze upward. Her curtain of glossy hair bounced lightly with every graceful step. A wistful nostalgia or some other sentiment he couldn’t pinpoint drifted over him as a tiny smile pulled at his lips. Then, as quickly as it had come, the sentiment faded as he turned his attention back to his drink. He forced his thoughts back to Lina. He would be glad when her trial got underway. Justice would finally be served, and Lina would go to prison where she could no longer be a threat to Effie Romeo or any other person Lina happened to deem her enemy.