Ian’s face lit up as a smile curved his lips. “Today.” He looked around. “In fact, Olivia should be here any minute.”
Her heart picked up its pace. “She’s meeting us here?” she squeaked. “Where Brent was killed? What kind of woman would do that?” she muttered.
Ian’s voice was controlled and patient. No doubt he was trying to keep her from going berserk. “Remember how when I left your house early last night, I said I needed to check on one of my deputies?”
“Yes,” she said warily. “Grady was under the weather.”
He winced. “That’s not exactly true.”
She punched him in the arm.
“Ow,” he yelped.
“We agreed there would be no more secrets,” she snapped.
“I know, and I meant that.” He held up a hand. “It’s just that I needed to meet with Olivia before I told you the truth. I had to get the full story from her and not just take Callie’s word for it. I’m sorry.” His eyes pled with hers. “The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. I was trying to protect you.”
The tenderness in his expression melted away her anger. “I understand,” she sighed.
“When I met with Olivia yesterday at her home, she told me that she and Brent went to the lighthouse on their first date. For Olivia, the lighthouse is a symbol of hope. She comes here often so she can feel close to Brent.”
More tears gathered in Sadie’s eyes as she nodded. She had to admit, it made sense.
“It’ll be okay,” Ian assured her. “Olivia is a good person. I asked her why she didn’t contact your mom.”
“What did she say?” Sadie blurted, the hurt returning with a vengeance.
“Brent made such a big deal about the two of them needing to get married before they told your mom about the baby that Olivia was afraid of what your mom would think of her. She’s been working up the courage to contact your mom.”
“My mom is deeply religious. She believes in the sanctity of marriage, as do I,” Sadie added. “However, my mom is an understanding and caring person. She would have understood.” Her voice hitched. “Mom will be elated when she learns that she has a grandson.” A smile broke through the melancholy and filled her with anticipation. “I can’t believe that Brent has a son,” she breathed. “What’s his name?”
She gasped. “Named after Brent. His full name was Ryan Brent Allen,” she exclaimed.
A golf cart pulled up beside them, drawing their attention. An attractive woman with dark, shoulder-length hair got out of the cart. She went around and removed the baby from the car seat and balanced him on her hip. He was tow-headed with large brown eyes. Sadie’s heart melted at the sight of him. It was love at first sight.
Ian and Sadie got out of the golf cart and went around to greet Olivia.
She offered Sadie a shy smile. “Hello, I’m Olivia.”
“I’m Sadie. It’s nice to meet you.” Her words came out awkwardly formal. Sadie briefly wondered if she should’ve introduced herself using her real name, but she decided to stick with Sadie. After all, she was building a new life and thought of herself as Sadie and no longer Robyn.
“This is Ryan.” Her voice turned gooey as she asked, “Can you smile?”
The baby smiled. More tears rose in Sadie’s eyes as she uttered, “He has Brent’s smile.”
“Yes,” Olivia agreed, her eyes also growing moist. “He’s his daddy made over,” she said proudly. She looked at Sadie. “Brent talked about you all the time. He was so proud of you.”
Sadie’s jaw worked as Ian draped an arm around her. She swallowed, trying to keep her emotions under control.
“Would you like to hold him?” Olivia offered.
“Sure,” Sadie answered. As she stepped forward and took him in her arms, Ryan rewarded her with another big smile.
“He likes you,” Olivia observed.
“I like him too,” Sadie said softly, feeling as though her heart would burst from the sheer joy of having found this new little person who was a member of her family.All things work together for good to them that love God.Holding Ryan in her arms was like getting a piece of Brent back. Sadie looked at Ian and could tell from the understanding on his rugged face that he knew exactly what she was thinking. The two shared a tender smile.