Page 61 of The Fragile Truth

Realizing she had little time, Sadie left Ian’s side and went over to where Banks was sitting and cradling Carter’s shoulders. “Ask him where he buried Brent’s body.”

Nodding, Banks looked down.

“Here,” Carter gasped, taking in a ragged breath.

Sadie tried to interpret the meaning of his response. “Here? At the cabin?”

“Yes,” he managed to say. He clutched Banks’s hand. “I’m sorry.” His body gave one final heave before his eyes glazed over.

Banks’s shoulders shook as he wept softly.

Lizette was on her feet, her hands in handcuffs. When she realized that Carter was gone, she went into hysterics. Banks gave her a piteous look as two officers led her out.

Sadie turned to Ian and realized that he was watching as officers removed the tape from Lina’s mouth and began peeling it away from her body. His expression was enigmatic. She went to his side, touching his arm. “Are you okay?”

He turned to her, a ghost of a smile touching his lips. “Yeah, I’m just glad it’s over.” He slid his arm around Sadie’s shoulders and pulled her close before glancing at Carter’s lifeless body. “Let’s go outside and get some air.”

Sadie’s heart twisted. Would Ian ever truly be free of Lina and the hold that she had over him?

They stepped outside and moved to the far end of the porch. “You still love Lina,” she said flatly.

Ian turned to her in surprise. “Actually, it’s just the opposite.”

She searched his face as she held her breath. “What do you mean?”

“As I was looking at Lina, the knowledge hit me square between the eyes that what I felt for her pales in comparison to what I feel for you.” A corner of his lip lifted in a wry grin. “I guess I have more in common with Talon Chasing than I realized. Both of us broke free of Lina’s clutches and found the real deal.” He cupped her face with both hands, peering deep into her eyes. “I love you,” he uttered.

A surprised laugh tickled her throat. “I love you too.”

His beautiful eyes lit with hope. “Does that mean that you’ll stick around for a while? Make me an endless supply of your amazing lasagna?”

“I think we can come to some sort of agreement.” Her voice softened as she grew contemplative. “How is it that I feel both happy and sad at the same time?” Ian was everything and more than she’d ever wanted. The prospect of building a life with him had her heart dancing on air. And yet, it sickened her to know that Brent’s body was buried somewhere on this property. She was relieved to be able to lay him to rest with a proper burial. She thought of her mom and how she would finally have some closure.

Ian’s blue eyes zinged with mischief as his gaze flickered over her. “Nice dress, by the way.”

Laughing, she looked down and then back at him, realizing that he was wearing a white shirt and tie. “I guess we never did make it to church.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m sure I was a sight, wrestling with Lizette in my dress and heels.” She remembered that her phone was on the sectional. She’d placed it beside her because she didn’t have pockets.

“We’ll go next week,” he promised. “I have a lot to make up for.” Moisture gathered in his eyes as his voice grew husky. “Prayer is real.”

She felt the power of his words, mingling with her own convictions. “Yes, it is.”

Regret kindled in his eyes. “I wasted so much time, shutting God out of my life and trying to carry my burdens alone.” His breath hitched. “And yet, the instant I turned to him, He was there.” He paused, giving her a meaningful look. “I owe Him everything.”

“Me too,” she agreed heartily.

As a luminous smile filled Ian’s face, a burst of undiluted joy rippled through Sadie’s heart. Her lips gave way to the buoyant smile that filled not only her face but also her soul. When the wind picked up, rustling the leaves of the trees, she caught a trace of Brent’s laughter, and somehow in a way she could never put to words, she knew that he was smiling with her.

And that everything would be okay.


One week and one day later …

Sadie welcomed the salty breeze that kissed her face as she stepped out of The Oliver Hotel. She’d gotten so worked up about meeting with Madeline and Banks that her cheeks were flaming hot. Now that the stress was over, she could calm down and enjoy the rest of the afternoon on the island, spending time with Ian. She scanned the vicinity, looking for him. Her pulse kicked up several notches when she spotted him leaning against the outside wall, wearing a t-shirt and shorts that showed off his lean, cut muscles. His legs were casually crossed, hands resting in his pockets.

What a difference a week could make! Ian was more relaxed than Sadie had ever seen him. It was nice to know that they could finally close the door on the horrible events of the past and move forward. Lina was back in jail, with no hope of ever getting out on bail. Brent’s body was found on the Laramie’s property. Next week, a memorial service would be held in Cedartown, Georgia, and Brent would be properly laid to rest in the family cemetery. Ian was going to Georgia with Sadie and would be able to meet her mother. Lizette was being held for psychological evaluation at a mental hospital. Her future was still undetermined. More than anything, Sadie felt compassion for Lizette and hoped she could get the help she needed to heal.

Sadie had taken the past few days to regroup. Ian still had to work, but they spent nearly all his time off together. He’d taken her to meet his mother, whom Sadie had instantly liked. Yesterday, they’d finally attended church together and met not only Ian’s Uncle Davis and his wife Rita but also Callie, who was a pistol. She was all vinegar on the outside, but Sadie could tell she had a heart of gold and that she loved Ian like he was one of her sons.