Then the memory hit me. A memory of that same plaid blanket in Jess’s room at home. The one mom had draped over the end of her bed for years.

The very same blanket Jess had taken with her to college.

Ten Seconds to Vanish: The Unsolved Disappearanceof Jessica Fadley

Episode 7

Stella:Welcome back true crime, babes. I’m your host Stella—

Rachel:And I’m Rachel.

Stella:And this isTen Seconds to Vanish: The Unsolved Disappearance of Jessica Fadley.

*Theme music plays*

Stella:It’s been a wild seven weeks. So much has happened!

Rachel:I know! I definitely wasn’t prepared to be solving this in real time, that’s for sure.

Stella:Did you see the news report last night? This story has gained some serious national attention. It was even on the BBC!

Rachel:And CNN. I had popped my popcorn and was glued to my screen. Another body, Stel, and it sounds like it’s Phoebe!

Stella:I know, and that’s not all. I’ve heard that there are even more remains, if you can believe it. Right after they pulled one body up from the water, divers found another.

Rachel:Goes to show you that the police really did a crappy job during that initial investigation. Because didn’t they search Doll’s Eye Lake before?

Stella:Yes, though from all accounts, it was a quick in-and-out job. They didn’t even look in the water.

Rachel:But now they’ve found three bodies there. What the hell is going on in Mt. Randall? Remind me to never vacation there.

Stella:We’ve been methodically pulling these cases apart, so let’s do a quick rundown on what we’ve uncovered so far. Take it away, Rach.

Rachel:We’ve established that Tammy, Phoebe, Meghan, and Jess all had connections to the same math professor.And…

Stella:And this same professor is reportedly a massive predator. He’s been pervy toward his students since before I was a gleam in my mum’s eye.

Rachel:Ew, gross Stel.

Stella:And listen to this, after talking to a few people who went to school with Jess and the other girls at Southern State University, we’ve found out that there’s more than the creepy teacher connecting all these women together.

Rachel:Like another guy?

Stella:That’s right Rach. This has turned into a case with more than one potential suspect. So, you know that hottie boyfriend we talked about in the early episodes? The one Jessica was seeing when she disappeared?

Rachel:Yeah …

Stella:well, I interviewed a couple of Jessica’s sorority sisters, and it turns out that the hottie boyfriend dated Phoebe Baker in high school. We were lucky to talk with Erica Stead, who pledged with Jessica back in 1998. We’ll be playing part of that interview next week.

Rachel:Why is it always the hot ones that are bad?

Stella:And that’s not all, get this, he also shagged Tammy Estep and Meghan Lambert.

Rachel:The dude got around.

Stella:He clearly waved his man-whore flag with pride.

Rachel:You know what people would be saying if he was a girl.