Time played its old tricks as he reached into his trouser pocket and produced a new item. Hannah recognized what it was immediately, her sex clenching as she eyed the two small, black clamps and the tiny metal chain that linked them.
Nipple clamps.Her throat dried. He really had been paying attention when she’d chatted to Saul about her innermost yearnings. She’d mentioned clamps on more than one occasion.
“Exactly.” He smirked at whatever her face had inadvertently told him. “They’re not too severe, little girl. Just enough bite for you to relish them.”
‘Not too severe’ seemed to be another matter of opinion, but it appeared there was little choice but to accept his gift as the first of the two clamps neared her left nipple.
“Eeese.” She didn’t know what she was begging him for as she watched him pull the minute claws apart and graze them over her tight buds.
Did she want him to stop?
Certainly, one facet of her did. She wanted to be up and out of the house, wanted to see Lawes thrown into a dark hole, but then that was that other warped aspect of her. That baser creature craved the pain and degradation that came from wearing his clamps, and it subdued the smarter woman with frighteningease. Hannah wrestled with the complex set of triggers, groaning as he slowly released the arms and allowed the clamp to snap back on her sensitive teat.
The ache was just as she recalled, a sharp and breathtaking sensation that muted as her clit began to pulse in unison. She dug her nails deeper into her palms as he pinched her other nipple and attached the remaining clamp.
Running his finger along the length of the chain connecting them, he grinned. “That should give you something to focus on while I get to work.”
“Od,” she panted, unable to express her dismay in any other way than the humiliating grunt around the gag.
“I know, I know.” He shook his head, his brown hair falling briefly into his eyes. “I’ve missed this too, but we need one more thing to make this perfect.”
He disappeared a third time, leaving her suspended in a state of sweet agony. Torn between the thrum of intensifying need at her clit and her understandable indignation at his treatment of her, she could only stare at her poor clamped nipples in his absence.
“And voila!” His grin was devilish as he returned, brandishing what looked like an industrial-sized sex toy. “This will help to get you in the mood.”
“Oo.” Eyes wide with shock, she had no choice as he flicked on the giant vibrating plastic toy and lowered it between her thighs.
“No need to thank me now.” If it was possible, his fucking grin widened as the head of the vibrator skimmed her needy clit, and she let out another guttural moan. “I have time scheduled for that later.”
Hannah was barely listening to his cocky tone anymore, the burst of sensation between her legs ensuring all of her focus was on the plastic sparking the welcome stimulation.
Wait… had she saidwelcome?
Surely, a woman who’d woken up in Lawes’ hands shouldn’t welcome anything from the fiend, yet as he angled the head and her eyes fluttered closed, there was no denying her response. She might hate that he was the one able to provoke the reaction in her, but she did want this—her utter helplessness and the bite of the clamps at her nipples. Everything he’d prepared for her was perfect.
“I know that’s good.” Awe resounded in his voice, and she opened her eyes to find his knowing green gaze. “But I also know you need more than only pleasure, little girl.”
Holding her gaze, he stilled the vibrating plastic in one hand and reached for the metal chain connected to her nipples. She didn’t have time to process the logical conclusion as he grasped the metal links and jerked them in his direction. The sudden shot of pain was her first sign that he’d really just pulled at her clamped tissue.
“Tut, tut, Hannah. I don’t like that language from my little girl.”
Staring at the chain still captured between his enormous thumb and fingers, she tensed. Was he going to tug at the damn thing again, and if so, when? Even the persistent whir of the plastic seemed less alluring as the pain ricocheted around her breasts.
“Look at me.” The order he’d given before echoed around her, insisting she abandon her surveillance and yield to his request. “You want the pleasure, don’t you?”
Her head fell back against the headrest as she accepted her fate, and fleetingly, she realized the pounding in her brain appeared to have halted. She’d have the gratification if he decided so, just as she’d bear the burn of the clamps. Hannah, it seemed, had little say in either the pleasure or the pain.
He leaned closer, shifting the edge of the vibrator against her throbbing clit.
“Yes, what?”
She pushed out the required response as best as the gag allowed, no longer caring how mortifying her muted speech was. The intensity in his eyes, conceited though it was, was suddenly fueling her. If he wanted a performance, then she’d bloody give him one. She’d suck up at the pain as best she could and revel in the decadence of the climax she hoped was near.