“Can I ask you a few questions?”
“Leave him alone,” I hear Richard say as he walks up behind me. “You’re like a little vulture.”
Maria frowns as Richard leads me away from her.
“How did it go?”
“I came out,” I say quietly. “And it’s devastated my family, and they want nothing to do with me. It’s fucked up my future, and now I’ve lost my football scholarship, but somehow, I feel free. Very free.”
Richard pats my shoulder. “You can stay at the frat house as long as you need.” He is gentle and kind, and I look at him, surprised. “I’ve got no money.”
“We’ll apply for a loan for you, find you a campus job. It’ll be hard, but it’s doable.” He smiles. “It’s what my girlfriend is doing, working while she studies. It can be done. Lost football scholarships aren’t the end of the world.”
I nod and give him a sad smile. “Thank you, Richard. I doubt the Alphas will accept me being gay.”
“They’re all secretly in the closet anyway,” he says as we walk together toward the Delta house. “They’ll be jealous you can be free to be who you are.”
“I guess,” I say quietly. “People shouldn’t be scared to be who they are.”
Richard nods. “In an ideal world, they wouldn’t be.”
We reach the house, and we go inside. Richard looks around at the few brothers that are there. “We have a new brother. You all know Adrian, he’s been staying with us for a few days. He’s staying with us permanently now. I expect you to treat him withthe same respect we show each other, especially once today’s story runs.”
“What’s today’s story?”
I look up at Noah and swallow.
“I told the panel I didn’t sleep with those girls because I’m gay,” I say, keeping my eyes trained on him.
Noah’s eyes darken. “We should talk.”
Richard looks between us and decides not to say anything.
I walk upstairs behind Noah, and once we’re in the room, he shuts the door and turns to me. “Are you fucking mental? My father...”
“He was there,” I say quietly. “He’s already disowned me. Said I’m not welcome back at the house at all.”
Noah shakes his head “Youaremental. What were you thinking?”
“I’m tired of hiding who I am, Noah, and you should be too. Why pretend to be something we’re not because people will give us funny looks? We’re fucking gay, and we like each other. It’s not like we’re blood brothers. We’re stepbrothers. There’s nothing unnatural about our attraction.”
Noah frowns. “Adrian. You need to recant. You can’t do this.”
“They’ve already taken away my scholarship, but said I can continue to study here. Richard is going to help get me set up with a loan and a job.” I look at him with a frown. “Out of all this you haven’t asked how I am? Do you even fucking care?”
Noah’s expression softens, and he nods but he says nothing.
“But you won’t say it. You won’t say out loud that you care about me?” I feel the tears coming back. “You’re such a fucking hypocrite. You live this whole rebellious artistic life to say a giant fuck you to your father, but you won’t cut ties with him for the most meaningful reason.”
Noah looks away. “You don’t understand. It’s not your father. He’s your stepfather.”
“He’s raised me for half of my life, you don’t think I felt pressure from him to be a perfect son? Especially because you weren’t perfect to him.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m going to tell him I’m gay. If I tell him, he’ll cast me out too, and then what? What purpose does that serve?”
“You can be happy,” I say, frustrated.
“I need a drink.” Noah walks out the room, and I punch the wall.