Page 68 of Pure Vengeance

“The staff called the cops,” he murmured, his voice hoarse and scratchy. “She tried to strangle me when I told her Dante probably won’t make it.”

“Not your wisest moment,” I replied. “I’ll take care of it.”

“I’ll just stay out of range.” Despite his words, he followed me at a distance. “At least she left her shotgun at home.”

“Officers,” I called as I strode to the cruiser. “I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. My wife’s dog is dangerously ill, and she’s understandably upset.”

From the back of the cruiser, Natasha narrowed her eyes at me, then turned away, making her feelings clear. I was guessing she’d rather go to jail than talk to me, but I could give her something she’d be a fool to refuse.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure if her common sense would outweigh her sheer, bloody-minded obduracy. She’d cut off her whole damned head to spite her face and throw it at me like she was a major league pitcher.

“Mr. O’Donnell, sir,” the taller of the two said, obviously recognizing me, “people generally don’t commit aggravated assault while their pets are at a vet’s office.”

“We just lost our old mutt,” the second officer replied. “It’s never easy.”

“It isn’t,” I agreed. “So, what do you say we forget this happened? I’ll take care of Natasha while we deal with our loss.”

“I’m very sorry, sir,” the taller one said. “Unless the victim decides not to press charges, we have to take her in.”

“I raised Dante from a puppy. I can’t be upset with Mrs. O’Donnell because I feel the same. He was—” Clearing his throat, Jerome corrected himself. “Danteisa fine dog.”

“I’ll make sure Natasha stays calm and give her as much support as she needs. Do we have an agreement?” I asked.

The officers shared a look, and the taller one nodded reluctantly. “I guess we can do that,” he said. “We don’t want any trouble with the O’Donnell family, but I doubt the staff will let her in again.”

“Thank you. I appreciate your service and your understanding during this difficult time.”

I waited—not very patiently—while they helped Natasha from the back of the cruiser and removed the cuffs from her wrists. Hate filled her brown eyes, and she tightened her hands into fists, making veins pop in her arms.

Before she could escape, I pulled her into a tight hug and positioned my lips next to her ear while her scent of vanilla and citrus filled my lungs, making it hard to breathe.

She stiffened, her muscular shoulders bunching under my touch, but didn’t try to get away. I hated that she felt like she had to prepare her body for battle.

Fuck, I missed her so hard it hurt.

“Don’t speak. I need you to listen. If you want to see Dante again, you’re going to chill the fuck out and pretend to be my doting wife.”

“And if I don’t?”

I should have known she wouldn’t make things easy, and I had no idea why I still hoped for a more positive outcome when she had every reason to want to dismember me and throw the pieces off a cliff. Although I didn’t want to antagonize her, I decided to give her a few hard truths in the desperate and probably futile hope that she’d listen.

“You go to jail, and you don’t get to see your dog. Choose wisely.”



My wrists still tingling from the touch of cold steel handcuffs, I braced myself and tried not to vomit when I kissed Lachlan’s cheek.

It was a momentous occasion, after all. We hadn’t kissed since our wedding day.

Didn’t stop me from wishing I had a knife to slip between his ribs, but the scent of his spicy cologne made my belly quiver as my pussy spilled a flood of moisture into my panties.

I couldn’t decide if I hated him, or if I hated myself for what he made me feel. It would take a lifetime of therapy to help me figure it out.

“I’m so sorry for my behavior, sirs.” Giving the cops a smile I hoped didn’t look like a grimace, I pretended to wipe a few tears from my eyes, then turned to Jerome. “And I’m really sorry for trying to hurt you, Jerome. You were only doing your job, right?”

Judging by the expression in his dark eyes, he knew exactly what I was talking about. He probably also knew I was only sorry for not popping his head like a fucking grape.