He straightened slowly, marveling at how much lighter the air around him was. The space was suddenly lighter, as if the walls had received a lick of paint at the same time he’d decorated her body with his seed. Smiling, he realized it was difficult to overstate how much better he felt now he’d come. It was as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he could breathe again. It was the high that made his freedom even sweeter.
Tingling with warm satisfaction, he gazed down at the object of his desire. Her grimace suggested she was less keen on being covered in his cum, but her angry expression concerned him even less than her opinion did. He would have his way, and she would insist she loathed every moment of his dominance when, secretly, she was reveling in his shows of authority. Hannah might not have anticipated waking up there with him, but she was made to submit.
As if to prove the point, he allowed one hand to fall between her legs beside the redundant sex toy and acknowledge the effect of the teasing vibrator. Her lips shone with her arousal, and one quick graze of his fingertip was enough to validate just how turned on she was. She tensed at his touch, her thigh muscles straining to close even though the bondage meant the effort was obviously futile.
“No need to be shy,” he cooed as he climbed down from the stools that had elevated him in more ways than one. “We both know how much you wanted to come as well, but I’ve decided to keep you wet and wanting.”
She closed her eyes, apparently unwilling to concede the fact, but she still looked perfect. So utterly perfect, he never wanted to forget the vision of her in that moment of subjugation. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out his phone and switched on the camera. He would capture the unspoiled image of her for prosperity.
“Hannah.” He called her name, encouraging her gaze to open as he took a number of shots in rapid succession.
She frowned at the look of the device in his hands, no doubt understanding his intention, yet still entirely unable to prevent him from doing what he pleased. Perhaps she couldn’t yet discern the things that had happened to her in the last twelve hours. He admitted it had been a lot.
He’d taken her, trussed, and stripped her before marking her with his climax. Taking pictures of her plight was the next logical step in the process. He was sure in time, she would understand that. She was his possession, after all.
His to use and revere.
“That’s much better.” His tone was undeniably smug as he slid his phone away. “You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, little girl.”
Base Requirements
Stretching her mouth wide, she let out a sigh. It had taken an age for the bastard to remove the gag. Her aching jaw had screamed for relief by the time he finally permitted the liberation. She didn’t want to do anything to risk a revisit from the plastic she loved to hate, but equally, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay strapped to the damn dentist’s chair.
How has this happened?
The question throbbed in her head as she stared at the graying paintwork of the strange room. She’d been excited about the date with Saul. She’d arrived expectant and full of optimistic apprehension, but in the end, her beau hadn’t just stood her up. He’d turned out to be the same monster who’d taken her before.
At least he removed the clamps.
She glanced down at her sore nipples to confirm the point. Naturally, he’d insisted she beg for the privilege, and he smirked as, knowing there was no other way, she duly complied.Compared to the Lawes she recalled of old, he’d relented fast, removing the pressure and making a big show of how he’d slipped them into his pocket forthe next time.
She shuddered silently at the thought, demoralized and exhilarated about the plight in equal measure.
“What are you going to do to me, Mr. Lawes, sir?”
He’d mentioned a plan earlier, and suddenly, she had to know.
All this sitting around, playing his bound and helpless victim, might be good for her clitoris, but it weighed heavily on her soul. Hannah had plummeted down this rabbit hole before, and she had a good idea of how deep it went. What she wasn’t sure of, though, was whether or not she could endure another round of Lawes’ attention. Particularly now that there were no other poor women to distract him.
She couldn’t be reduced to this, could she? Couldn’t only be a thing he used for pleasure and stimulation. She was more than this—better—and she’d worked too damn hard to watch the walls of her castle come crumbling down around her again.
No.Resolve resounded in her mind.
She wouldn’t allow it.
He looked up from the old, comfortable seat to her left, his expression irritatingly impassive.
“Whatever I like.”
That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Better there was a plan, even if it was a dark and dastardly one she loathed. If there was a plan, then she had something to work with, something to hang on to in the coming hours of torment, but without one, she was lost to the consuming madness.
What difference does it make?