Whatever came next, she deserved that much.
“I told you not to forget.” He tugged roughly at the chain, urging her body forward to accommodate the hurt, but this time, she anticipated the deed and never broke eye contact with her captor.
“Very good.” He slid the pulsing plastic back into place, no doubt rewarding her apparent stoicism.
She remembered he liked that kind of thing, liked to think his captives were enduring not just to ‘get through’ but to make him proud. Except this time, as far as she knew, there were no other detainees. All the dentist’s dark intentions were directed solely at her.
“I’m going to make you so fucking wet, little girl.”
She believed him.
Already, Hannah sensed a deluge of arousal flooding from the vibrator. She’d been primed before its introduction, but its insistent buzzing ensured there was no choice but to yield to her blossoming passion.
Lawes was going to push her right over the precipice. Worse still, and the reason why even without the vibrator her clitoris begged for attention was the damn obvious—there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop him.
The Handler
The writhing version of Hannah moaning before him was a fucking vision. She was the dirtiest, most sublime angel he’d ever seen, and given his previous venture with Fuller, he’d seen quite a few.
Lawes had been so hellbent on his plan to recapture her, he had given little thought to what she would make of his scheme. Of course, he’d hoped that she’d acquiesce, but then this was Hannah—the woman who’d come into his possession and turned his whole world upside down, the woman who’d protested her angst while her body expressed her true revelry. She was a living contradiction, and he expected nothing less, but in his wildest dreams, he hadn’t dared envision a reaction as wonderful as the one she displayed for him now.
The sheen of sweat glistening on her skin where she grappled with the binds and the loss of authority, the way her eyes flickered closed when he edged her closer to the stars beforepermitting the sensations to ebb away and start again, then the way her same beautiful gaze flew open whenever he pulled at the pretty little chain controlling her tits. Hannah was absolutely flawless, and her performance was enthralling. His raging erection was only too sure where it wanted to be.
“Good girl.” Jerking at the chain again, he coaxed her concentration back to his face before he dropped the metal and traced an invisible line around the edge of her gagged mouth. A delightful line of drool had culminated there. His balls contracted as it fell to her chin at his cajoling touch, her saliva making slow progress as it stretched to her collarbone. “Not long now.”
“Eese.” Her head fell to one side, her hips rising to find their vibrating antagonist as he lifted the vibrator half an inch into the air.
“Not until I say so.” He lowered the toy teasingly, allowing it to skim over her swollen clit before settling it back into place.
She mewled, her lips widening around the plastic ball as her fervor built. Based on the tension in her muscles and the rhythmic rocking of her sex, it wouldn’t be long before his little girl was flying in the stars.
Or so she thought.
So far, so good.It didn’t seem as though her libido had dampened since their last meeting.
Collecting the chain from her clammy flesh, he wrenched the metal one final time, relishing first the pain flashing in her eyes, then her tempting tits as they settled into place. The look of them decided it as far as he was concerned. He was going to feel those hot breasts around his cock, pleasuring him and toppling him, and he couldn’t wait.
Mark was ecstatic that Hannah was still so receptive to his touch, but enough was enough. This little setup, the abductionand the second-hand dental chair, weren’t all aboutherpleasure. The entire arrangement was his dark fantasy.
His revenge.
He wanted her as his bound captive in the strange house by the sea, even though it was a poor imitation of the world where they’d first met. In this new environment, he’d bring his adversary to heel, and once she was begging for release, he’d push her down deeper than she’d ever been before.
He’d do so primarily because she deserved it. She’d stood up in court and ensured he went to jail for what he’d done. But he’d also dragged her back into his twisted world because he knew she’d adore it, and deep down, he adored her.
She’s mine.
The satisfying conclusion reverberated in his brain as he flicked off the vibrator and rested it between her legs.
She was his, and there wasn’t a single thing she could do to resist him—evenifshe wanted to—though the squirming mess of arousal whimpering before him was far from resistant.
“Oo!” she screeched in complaint, her back arching for the toy that had promised such pleasure before her glare fixed on him.
“Now, now…” He sniggered at her petulant scowl.