“Although I would have thought it was obvious.” His gaze traveled over her body, his grin growing as he took in the sight of her. “Despite everything, I have missed you.”
Despite everything?Was he mad?
Lawes was acting as if he was the victim in their crazy dynamic, as though he’d been hard done by, whereas the truth couldn’t be further from that reality. He’d captured her, he’d kept her and done terrible things to her, and as far as she knew, he’d been flung in prison for his crimes.
“Please tell me.” Her head was starting to ache, the pounding growing in intensity as his fingers skimmed over her blouse. “I don’t know why, Mr. Lawes, sir.”
The obedience he demanded rang around her head, taunting her. All of those months of therapy, all the talking, crying, and journaling had been for nothing because from out of the depths he’d crawled, determined to have his wicked way with her.
Overawed at the rising turmoil of frustrated feelings, she squeezed her eyes shut as the first tears escaped. She was determined to ignore her show of emotion. If this was really happening—if she wasn’t about to wake up in the safety of her own bed at any moment, and a desperate part of her still hoped she would—then the last thing she wanted to do was to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he’d torn at her healing soul.
“Don’t upset yourself.” His fingertips brushed over her midriff on their way to her forearm. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”
“I don’t understand.” Disregarding his thinly veiled threat, she pulled in a shaky breath and willed the pounding in her head to cease. “If this is really happening, then why am I here, sir?”
She was perturbed by how easily the ‘s’ word fell from her mouth. She’d learned to resent the term, to associate its required deference with the pain and captivity she’d faced in his and Fuller’s bleak basement, but sitting in whatever hellhole he’d conjured for her, the honorific was effortless.
A line appeared on her brow as she considered her predicament. She didn’t know where she was or even if this was real or only happening in her head. For all she knew, Fuller might be lurking in the shadows as well.
“Oh, this is really happening, little girl.” His hand rose to her face, and even though she turned away from his approach, his long fingers insisted she remain as she was and acknowledge them. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment.”
That didn’t sound good…
“Why, sir?” Resisting the urge to rest against his enormous palm, she met his mocking gaze. “Why are you doing this?”
One dark eyebrow arched at her question, reminding her of her omission.
Of course. He’s going to make me say it again.
Her hands balled into fists at her sides. Apparently, however he’d managed to restrain her arms still permitted her fingers to move freely, and the tiny act of rebellion emboldened her as he imposed his will.
“Mr. Lawes, sir.” Her voice was passive that time, conveying less of the conflicted emotion whipping around her body.
The same old feelings were there. The sense of fear and powerlessness mingled with outrage at his audacious treatment, but she knew the monster pulling the strings well enough to know how to placate him. If she was going to get out of this, she’d need to play his game.
“Why am I here?” The room around him was clearer as she asked, as though the initial fog of bewilderment had lifted. Glancing around as far as his hand allowed, she could see they were in a large room, although the lack of furniture and large boxes implied the place was largely abandoned.
“There’s nothing honorable about my plan, I’m afraid.” His lips tugged upward as his hand slid down to her nape. “It’s just good old-fashioned revenge, little girl.”
The word seared into her subconscious like fire.
“You hurt me, so I’m hurting you back.” He shrugged at the apparent simplicity of his plan. Obviously, he’d forgotten that he’d hurt her first…
“Are you g-going to harm me?”
The question slipped out before she even had time to contemplate whether it was a good idea, and as his smile stretched wider, she admonished herself for speaking. Why give him such an advantage when he already held all the cards?
She knew better than this. Plus, he’d only just assured her that his plan was to hurt her.
Withdrawing his hand, he edged toward her, and as his trousers skimmed her right arm, she was suddenly cognizant of being tipped slightly backward. Sitting definitely, but angled in an unusual way… a position that reminded her of the most terrifying experiences she’d known until the day she met Lawes and Fuller.
Being in the dentist’s chair.