Page 33 of Marked

“Good.” I glance at Zack. He’s watching Laurens intently, but his hand has moved to my shoulder. He gives me a little squeeze.

“Did you talk to your mom about the name?” Laurens asks. “Did she remember it too?”

“No.” How could I have? It only just came to me. “It’s really hard this time of year for her. I didn’t want to upset her more by bringing it up.”

“I understand.” She nods. “Maybe she mentioned it when everything first happened. If it’s in the files, I’ll let you know, and we can both talk to her at the same time.”

“Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.” I nod with relief. Calling Mom out of the blue with this information will only make things more difficult for her. She’s been through so much, and this week is already bringing up all the horrors for her all over again.

“How is she, otherwise?”

“Oh. Good. She retired last year. She’s good,” I say. “I think she’ll miss the kids when we go back at the end of August.”

“That’s right, you two taught at the same school, right?” she asks with a little laugh. “That had to be a little weird, after she’d been there for so long.”

I shake my head a little. “No, not really. She liked having me there. Getting my teaching degree and then getting the job at her school really made her happy.” I sit a little straighter. It had been important to her, and that made it important to me.

“And how about the two of you? How long have you been seeing each other?” she asks, still typing away on her phone.

“Not long,” Zack admits.

She raises her eyes to his, her fingers still over the screen.

“You still live in the same apartment as last time we spoke?” She moves her eyes to me.

“Yeah.” I nod, tucking my hands beneath my legs. I’m shaky all of a sudden. Her features haven’t changed—she’s still smiling slightly, and being friendly—but there’s something darker about the way she’s looking at me.

“Any big plans for the summer? You still teach elementary right, during the school year?” She finishes with the phone and tucks it away.

“No, no plans. Just working at the bar and relaxing a little before I go back in August.”

She nods. “I still don’t know how you can handle all those little kids.” She forces a shiver and a laugh. “I’d take criminals over little ones any day.”

Zack laughs, moving his arm from around me and pressing his forearms into the table.

“She’s good at it though,” he says firmly. There’s no way he can know that, but it doesn’t stop the pride from swelling in my chest.

“I’m sure.” Laurens smiles a little wider, but her eyes are saying something else. I wish I could read people as well as Zack seems able to. “You still have my number, so if you think of anything else, you call me again.”

She gets up from the table. “Talk soon.” She smiles at me then hurries from the deli.

“She’s quick. In and out, huh?” Zack watches her leave.

“She’s always on a case,” I say. “I’m sorry. I was going to say what you told me to say, but out of nowhere, that name just popped into my head.”

“It’s fine.” He turns to me; his eyes soften when they meet mine. “It’s true, though? The name you said, it’s what you remember?”

“Yeah.” I nod. “Like a bolt of lightning, just came out of nowhere. But it’s true. I remember it.”

“Good.” He brushes my hair from my face. “Now eat your lunch. I’m gonna make a call and see if I can get any more information.”

“Do you still work for the government?” I pop a chip into my mouth.

He leans over, kisses my temple. “Not really. I’ll be right outside. Finish your lunch, or you’ll get no dessert when we get home.” A deep crease appears in his cheek when he grins and then he winks.

“I’ll eat,” I promise.

“Such a good little bird.”