“Are you all right?”
“Never better.” I reach up and bite his shoulder. “Are you all right?”
He flashes a lopsided grin. “No complaints.”
He kisses me, a passionate kiss that leaves me wanting more touches, more caresses, more bites from him.
But he pulls away, looks down at me, at the mess of his cum sliding out of me.
“Are you on the pill?” he asks.
“No.” I shrink back into myself. “I…I can’t have children. What they did to me…I’m too broken inside.”
His jaw sets.
“They will pay, Harley. For everything they did to you, your sister and your mother. They will all fucking pay.” A more sincere vow, I’ve never heard.
“Good.” I smile a little. Operating under the assumption they’d never be caught, never take any responsibility for whatthey did, has left me with as many scars on my soul as I have on my legs.
“It’s almost morning.” He slides next to me, pulling me to his side. I thought he was getting up to get a towel, but he pushes my legs back together, and nuzzles my hair.
“I like the idea of me drying on your skin,” he says.
I smile into the dim room.
“I do too.”
“Think you can sleep some more?” He pushes my hair behind my ear and kisses me just below my earlobe.
I yawn.
“I think so.”
“Good. We have a busy day tomorrow and you need your rest.”
“What are we doing tomorrow?”
“Monster hunting.”
“Have you ever met a cop that didn’t have a little dirt on them?” Jeff, my contact laughs on the other side of call.
“It’s been a while since I saw a spotless one, yeah. What did you find on her?” I run the towel over my hair. Harley was still asleep when I got up, so I left her in bed while I showered and got dressed. The water pressure in this place is unacceptable. I’m going to fix that for her, too.
“Not a whole lot. FBI has more resources to cover up their shit. But I did get a listing of open cases Laurens is still listed on.”
“Anything there?” I ask.
The shower kicks on in the bathroom. She’s up. It’s almost noon.
“Yeah. She’s the lead on the Jessica Hamilton case.”
“Really.” I leave the towel on a chair and pull my bag onto a table. I find the file I had on Jessica and pull it out, flipping through the paperwork. “I don’t see any FBI involvement with Jessica.”
“It’s active but not a priority. She works with the local department. If they get anything, they report to her.”
“So, she’s just there to babysit,” I scoff.
“More than likely, she’s there in case they actually get a sniff of something that could link Dustin to the case.”