“He’s gone.” Zack says, planting his hands on the bar. “He won’t be back, either.”
“You didn’t hurt him, did you?” I can’t pretend that I’m not a little excited at the idea that maybe he did.
“He’ll live.” There’s a splotch of blood on his knuckles. He follows my gaze to it. “Not mine.”
“Good.” I take his hand and wipe the blood away with my towel. “Thanks. You didn’t have to do that though.”
“He was bothering you.”
“It’s this time of year,” I explain. “The news will run a few stories about what happened. I’ll get a few people who recognize me, and then in a few weeks, it will all blow over.”
“Doesn’t give him the right to poke a wound.”
“Guess not.”
“You off soon?”
“I’m off now.”
“Good.” He retracts his hand. “Get your stuff. I’ll take you home.”
“Maybe I have my car.” I’m flirting, and it’s the most normal thing I’ve done in ages.
“You don’t have a car, Harley Turner.” He winks again.
“How do you know that?”
“I told you; I make it my business to know what I want to know. Now, let’s go.”
It takes me no time at all to grab my purse and punch out for the night. Then Zack leads me to his car, parked in a lot on the next street over.
I stop as he opens the passenger door for me. A single streetlamp shines down on the empty lot, casting him in a shadow as he holds the door open for me.
“I’m not sure.” I hold my purse in front of me, as though it could protect me from him. I don’t think anything would protect against this man when he wants something.
“Not sure about what?” he asks, not at all pissed about my hesitation. He’s patient. He’ll wait until I’m ready.
It’s weird how much I can sense about him.
“How do I know you won’t hurt me? That you’re not some serial killer?” Considering my past, I should have some radar for this.
He steps up to me until his toes press against my sneakers.The heavy scent of leather and spice fills the space between us as he slips both hands into my hair, pulling my head back.
“I will never hurt you, Harley. I promise, and I never break my promises.” He seals his vow with a kiss, a soft kiss that turns hard and possessive within a breath.
And I’m lost to it. Lost to him.
A storm could burst right on top of us, but all I would feel, would know, is his touch and him.
“All right,” I say breathlessly when he breaks contact and pulls back just enough for me to see his eyes. “Do you need directions to my apartment?”
He flashes a lopsided grin.
“What do you think?” And then he winks again.
Playful and sexy.
“No. You don’t.”