Page 83 of Solemn Vow

“We don’t know if his sister’s in there,” Andrei says as we roll up the driveway. “We need to be careful. She gets hurt, Michael’s not going to want to forgive and forget. More than likely, Jimmy has Marlena in the basement.”

I stare at the front door of the house. Marlena’s inside. I don’t give a shit who has to eat a bullet for me to get to her.

“We’ll get her, Viktor.” Sergei puts his hand on my shoulder. “But we have to be smart. Won’t do her any good to be saved today and then you’re killed tomorrow.”

I open my door. “No one dies except Jimmy,” I say, climbing out. “He doesn’t survive this.”

Car doors shut, and the men head toward us to get their orders.

Just as Andrei opens his mouth, a terrified scream comes from the house.

A shot rings out.

Then another.

Headlights flashthrough the windows of the bedroom.

The garage door opening below my feet vibrates the floor. A minute later a door slams.

“Jimmy! What the hell is going on? I told you not to come around here. Uncle Michael told you not to come around here no more,” a woman yells. I think it’s his sister.

His nephew hasn’t been back in the room since the first time.

There’s a muffled response. Maybe Jimmy’s trying to calm her down before she calls Michael. Having their uncle here wouldn’t really be in Jimmy’s best interest.

“Ma, I told him. I swear I didn’t realize what he was doing.” Robby’s voice gets closer as he keeps talking.

The door flies open a second later and there’s a female figure standing in the doorway. She’s shrouded by the lights in the hallway, so I can’t really make her out other than she has her hair in a ponytail and she’s wearing a dress.

“Fucking lights,” she mutters and slaps at the wall until she finds the switch and the lights blind me instantly.

“Theresa. I have it handled.” Jimmy shoves her into the room and rushes over to me, standing in front of me. If she were the enemy, I’d think he was protecting me. But she’s not. He’s just trying to keep her from untying me.

“Holy shit, Jimmy. Are you serious?” She looks at me like she’s witnessing a ghost flying into the room. “Marlena Schmitt? This is who you have tied up in my son’s bedroom?” Her voice raises more with each word.

“Jimmy,” I say softly. If she’s not happy about me being here, maybe I can get her to help me convince him to let me go.

“Shut the fuck up.” He points a shaking finger at me then turns on his sister. “Theresa, I don’t have a fucking choice. I have a problem and she’s gonna solve it for me.”

“No way, Jimmy. Whatever you’ve got going on, Michael is gonna be pissed.”

“How do you know your favorite uncle isn’t behind all this?” I wonder how long he’s hated Michael. I knew he was angry about being left in jail, but I hadn’t realized how deep his hatred for his uncle really went.

“You know damn well he wouldn’t sanction this.” She jerks a hand at me. “And you bring this bullshit into my house? You involve my son?” Rage shakes her words.

Jimmy pulls out his gun from the back of his jeans and aims it at his sister.

“Fuck, Jimmy.” She glares at him. “Put that shit away.”

“Uncle Jimmy, enough!” Robby’s in the doorway now.

“Robby, go! Go downstairs!” I yell at him.

“I swear to god, Jimmy. I’m calling Michael!” She pulls out her phone and swipes her thumb across the screen.

“Do it and he dies, Theresa. I swear to god.” Jimmy swings his aim to his nephew.

Theresa’s eyes slowly make their way to her son. Robby’s face pales. I doubt he’s ever looked down the barrel of a gun before.