Viktor’s held me this way, but it was different. So damn different. When I look into Viktor’s eyes, I feel a connection. I can sense his soul.
There’s nothing behind Jimmy’s glare.
“I’ll get the money,” I say with clenched teeth. If I let myself say anything else, I could make things way worse.
“There’s another way. This order I told you about. There’s one car in particular I could use your help with. Then you can join my crew and it would be like the old days. We’d make a lot of money together,” he offers, but it’s bullshit.
He knows I’ll never say yes. Not when I’ve gotten my life straightened out this much.
Going against Michael would be insane. I was able to walk away the first time, if he finds me betraying him, I won’t be walking anywhere.
“I already said I have the cash.”
He pats my cheek then drops his hand. “All right then. Bring it next weekend, then we can set up regular drops for the rest.” He snaps his fingers at the other men, and they walk behind him down the rest of the short alley and disappear around the corner.
Only once I’m alone do I let myself breathe again.
My phone vibrates in my back pocket.
With a shaky hand I pull it out and swipe it to life. Hurrying back to the salon, I read the text message.
I’m sitting at your station. Where are you?
My fingers fly over the screen.
Two seconds. Grabbing my coat.
I stop at my locker, sucking in a breath. After taking several deep breaths to get my lungs and heart back in working order, I grab my coat and purse from my locker and head to meet him.
Five grand.
With no end in sight.
What the hell am I going to do?
“I needto get out of these boots!” Marlena calls out after she dumps her keys on the end table and hurries to her bedroom when we get inside her apartment.
I bring the bag of burgers and fries to the kitchen table after I’ve locked the door.
There’s a thud in her room.
“I’m fine! Just bumped the dresser,” she calls before I go to see what’s happening in there.
By the time she comes back out, I have the burgers laid out on plates with the fries dumped into a big bowl in the middle of the table.
She’s changed out of the black slacks and blouse and into a pair of fluffy pajama pants and a dark green V-neck t-shirt that gives more than a hint of the gentle swell of her breasts.
If she thinks wearing what she calls a frumpy outfit will make me want her less, she hasn’t been paying attention.
“This looks so good. I’m starved.” She grabs the ketchup from the fridge and sinks into a chair at the table, pulling a plate toward her.
“You didn’t eat at work?” I drape my leather coat over the back of my chair before sitting next to her.
“Didn’t have time,” she says as she pushes a bunch of ketchup-soaked fries into her mouth. I watch as she devours her meal. Not a bite is left by the time she’s finished.