Page 38 of Solemn Vow

“Don’tyou have better things to do than drive women around for the Petrov family?” I shoot the question at Igor. He’s driving the sleek black Yukon, with its deeply tinted windows, while I sit comfortably in the backseat.

He lifts an eyebrow and glances at me through the rearview mirror.

“I owe my life to the Petrov family. If they need my assistance, they have it.” He goes back to watching the road. It’s past seven.

Traffic has died down a little since I left the salon a few hours ago, but we’re hitting every red light, so it feels like we’re crawling across town.

Which is fine.

I’m going to need time to get my anger under control.

Viktor didn’t even message that he was sending Igor to pick me up. I told him yesterday I wasn’t able to see him tonight, but instead of respecting that, he sent one of his men to bring me to him.

It doesn’t matter that I had no plans for the night, he didn’t know that when he put out an order to have me dragged to his doorstep like some sort of purchased item.

He DoorDashed me.

“You know, you’ve basically kidnapped me. You could go to prison for a long time for that,” I say when Igor keeps driving in silence.

“You got into the car on your own accord,” he says. “I didn’t even have my gun out.”

I roll my eyes at him through the rearview mirror.

I tried telling Igor no when I opened my apartment door and found him there. But he just walked into my apartment and sat down on my couch and folded his arms over his chest. When I asked him what he was doing, he explained he couldn’t leave without me.

And then the television showed up. Ten minutes later, the handmade corner china cabinet and matching coffee table showed up with its hand-carved, highly polished wood and etched glass windows.

All the items are so far above what I would be able to afford for myself, I can’t begin to guess what they cost.

“We’re almost there, just another few blocks,” Igor announces as he makes a right turn.

I lean closer to the window, looking up at all the buildings around us. I was so lost in my irritation, I didn’t notice we made it downtown already.

“Where are we?” I crane my neck to see the street sign but miss it as we pass through an intersection.

“Just past Grand Avenue. I have to go to Ohio to go around because of the one way, but he lives on Grand.” Igor makes a right turn onto Ohio, and I realize exactly where we are.

“Isn’t Navy Pier just up ahead?” I lean forward, peeking through the front seats.

“Yes. And sit back,” he orders with a side glance. “Is your seatbelt even on?”

I roll my eyes. It wasn’t, but I wanted a better view.

“You’re about to park anyway.” I sit back though and click my belt back in place. As annoying as it is that Igor was sent to collect me, he’s only doing his job. And if I make trouble for him, it wouldn’t be fair. Whatever annoyance I have should be aimed at the true cause.


He turns into an underground parking garage after swiping a keycard, and he maneuvers through the rows of Porsches, BMWs, Teslas, and Bentleys. Jimmy would call this place a gold mine.

Igor parks the Yukon in a reserved spot. I open my door to hop down but am stopped by Viktor blocking me.

“You should wait until the door is opened for you,moy sladkiy voin.” He puts his hand out for me.

I stare at it. “Why? I can open my own door.”

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” He wiggles his fingers. “Come out of the car now.”

I fold my arms over my chest. What is it about this man that just brings out my inner brat to the surface?