Page 26 of Grimm

“I think we should discuss this in my office.” Ashland joined them. His hair tied back in a tight ponytail didn’t make him appear any less severe. The scars running over his cheek gave him a sinister appearance that made her shudder. He looked more beast than man with his beard and dark glower.

“Good idea,” William agreed. “I’ll be right back, Daniella. Stay here.”

“Wait.” She put her hand on his arm when he stepped around her. “Komisky. You’re talking about Steven, aren’t you? You found out something? You know something about Megan?” She searched his eyes. He did. He knew where she was.

“Is she hurt? We need to get to her? Where is she?” She shot her questions out at him without taking a breath.

“I’ll be right—”

“No.” She snapped her teeth together. “If you know something about Megan, I want to know. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“Isn’t she the one who left you in Komisky’s hands? Got you into this trouble in the first place?” Ash reminded her.

“No. That’s not what happened. I’m sure of it. Steven and her, they weren’t going out that long. She wouldn’t have run away with him and just left me like that. She wouldn’t.”

“Let’s get away from prying ears,” Peter pointed out. Even though couples dancing and laughing surrounded them, it didn’t mean they weren’t always being listened to.

“Come on.” William took her drink from her, placed it on a passing waiter’s tray, then snagged her hand. The tight squeeze he gave let her know he wasn’t thrilled with her pushiness, and he would deal with it later.

But if it meant finding out where Megan was and making sure she was safe, she’d take his belt five times over.

William led her through the crowd out into the hallway. Daniella inhaled a long breath of the cool air. She hadn’t realized how stuffy the ballroom had been until the fresh air hit her.

With quickened steps, she kept up with William and the other men until they came to an office at the end of a darkened hallway. She’d glanced at the paintings on the wall as he pulled her along. Ashland may be a man to fear, but he had beautiful taste in artwork.

“Sit.” William steered her to the armchair in the corner of the room. Opting not to push her luck at the moment, she sank onto the cushions and folded her hands in her lap. She’d be still until they finished their little chat, and then she’d speak up.

“Okay, so what’s going on?” Ash asked as he leaned against the enormous desk, arms folded over his chest.

“We found Megan and Steven,” William announced while giving her a hard stare that silently reminded her to keep quiet. “It looks like he’s using her to earn money. Keeps her drugged enough not to care, from what Tommy and Johnny saw. But it’s not good.”

Her stomach flipped. “Used how?” she asked quietly, hoping the horrific images her mind had conjured up were off base.

“Exactly how you think.” William moved to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Whether he’d intended to keep her in the seat or give her a slight gesture of comfort, it did both.

“We have to get her out of there. Away from him,” she urged.

“If it were that easy, William would have done it already,” Ashland stated, keeping his gaze locked on William. “What’s the snag?”

“Jansen.” Peter supplied.

“Steven works for Komisky, but it looks like he took whatever stash he was supposed to distribute for him and sold it while working with Jansen’s crew. I don’t know what game he’s playing, and I don’t really care. But if I go in to get Megan and there’s a problem, I could expose something that causes an issue between Komisky and Jansen.”

“And those issues get out of hand when Komisky’s involved,” Peter added.

Daniella shoved out of the chair and spun around to glare at William. Ashland and Peter could do whatever they wanted—they weren’t her problem. William was.

“I don’t care what hornets’ nest you kick; I want Megan safe. If you won’t help her, then let me go get her. Tell me where she is, and I’ll go get her.” Daniella wouldn’t sit idly by while these men batted ideas around like a kitten with some string.

“No fucking way.” William shut her down with a swipe of his hand. “You’re not getting near this.”

“She’s my friend. Mine. My responsibility. If your going in could cause some hissy fit between your little families, then let me go. I’ll get in, get her, and get out without causing a fight.”

“What she says makes sense,” Ashland chimed in, which surprised her. “If she can get the girl away from the situation, then you can just walk away from the rest. If this jackass isn’t smart enough to get himself out of whatever mess he’s gotten himself, then whatever happens to him, happens.”

Daniella’s heart pounded. This wasn’t open for discussion. Getting Megan safe was the only topic she wanted resolved.

“William, does your old man know about this?” Peter’s gaze traveled to Daniella.