“No!” Daniella took one glance at the opened door and bolted. She wouldn’t be sold or bought or stolen.
A small tree trunk of an arm wrapped around her middle just as she reached the doorway. William hauled her up off her feet and held her to his chest. She wiggled hard in his embrace, but he didn’t seem affected by it at all.
“Well, that’s settled,” Ashland said. “Want a drink, Marcus?” Sarcasm weaved through the question.
“No, thanks. With this off my plate, I can get back to business.” Marcus turned his ugly sneer on Daniella. “Have fun with her, William. Breaking them is the most fun, enjoy!”
Marcus shut the door on his way out.
“I’m going to put you down, if you try to run again, I’ll make you regret it.” William breathed into her ear; his chin dug into her shoulder.
“Okay, okay!” She stopped struggling.
He lowered her to the floor while Ashland and Peter stared at her curiously. Maybe they hoped she would run, so they’d get to see a woman beaten to death?
“Are you okay?” William surprised her with his question. “Did he hurt you?”
She huffed out a laugh. “Hurt me?” She turned around and raised her wrists off her ass where they were tied together. “This isn’t exactly comfortable. Can you get it off?”
William grabbed hold of her wrists, pushed them back down to her ass, and pressed against her shoulder, spinning her around again.
“I think it’s best we wait until we get home before I do that,” he answered.
“Home?” She blinked. “Can’t I pay you back? Maybe I could send you money every month until you get back the money you spent?” she offered with a nod, hoping he’d catch on.
“Sorry. That’s not how this works.” He turned to the other two men.
“I’m going to get her home. We’ll try for another night.” He took turns shaking each of their hands. She was eyeing the door when his hand squeezed around her wrist. If she tried to run again, he’d only catch her.
“Now. Daniella, let’s get you home.”
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” She thrust her chin up in the air. “I won’t.”
His full lips pulled up into a wide grin, showing off his straight teeth. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He winked.
“Careful, William. Don’t go breaking any of my shit,” Ash warned.
“What are you—no!” She tried to back up, to scramble away from him, but he was faster. He snatched her right off the ground and threw her over his shoulder in one smooth movement. Her stomach flipped, and nausea rolled through her.
She cried out, but it didn’t matter. William Grimm held her wiggling and kicking as he marched out of Ash’s house.
She’d been kidnapped.
And now she’d been sold.
Tears dropped from her eyes to the ground below.
How would she ever get home?
Chapter 2
William pulled into his attached garage and parked. As soon as he flipped off the radio, the pounding began again. With a heavy sigh, he turned off the ignition and climbed out of the car to collect the girl slamming her feet against the trunk.
He slapped his open hand to the top of the trunk. “I’m letting you out. I suggest you don’t try anything stupid.”
Another kick against the inside was her only answer. Feisty woman. Also, naïve. She had no idea how his world worked. She’d made that much apparent when she’d tried to gain the aid of Ashland Titon. Ash may have been reworking his father’s business model, but he still wasn’t one of the good guys.
Hell, none of them were.