Page 34 of Grimm

“No.” He tugged her hand until she was chest to chest with him. “Never.”

“You’ll let me work. You won’t get in the way of a career, and you will let me come and go as I please. I won’t be a prisoner.” She sounded as if she thought there was room for negotiation, but there wouldn’t be.

She’d be free to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted because he wouldn’t cage her. So long as she always came home to him, always promised to be his, she would be free.

“We’ll talk about it,” he teased. “Remember what I said about privileges, Dani.” He cupped the side of her face, brought his lips down on hers, and delved in deep. Claiming her and possessing her with a kiss that had her heart slamming against her ribcage. She matched him passion for passion, her hands grabbing hold of his jacket, clutching him to her.

When he broke off the kiss, she was breathless, staring up at him with puffy lips and tears in her eyes.

“No crying,” he said, kissing away the tear. “I love you, Daniella, and I don’t deserve you or this, but I want it. I want it all with you.”

She smiled up at him. “I didn’t think I’d ever find someone who would say that.”

“Well. You have.”

“I love you too, William. And I want every day with you. Not just a temporary situation.”

He ran his thumb across her cheekbone. “I’m not temporary, Dani. I’m forever.”

She reached up on her toes and kissed him. “And ever.”


Ayear later….

“Are you going to listen to me now?” William asked, squatting down in front of his wife. Bound on her knees to the whipping post, she nodded.

“Of course, I will, William. I swear it,” she promised, her eyes already catching site of the crop he held behind his back.

“Hmmm, let’s see.” He brought the crop out from behind him and tapped the flap against her breast. “Now. When I tell you to wait for me in the hallway, are you supposed to go wandering around without me?”

“No, sir. I need to wait,” she answered, tucking her lip between her teeth as he brought the crop up. Unable to watch it, she closed her eyes, letting the sting from the crop spread across her breast. He wasn’t finished, though, swatting the opposite breast then going back to the first.

“I’ll wait!” she cried out when he showed no sign of stopping.

“That’s right.” He reached around her and swiftly unbuckled the cuffs, letting her bring her arms forward. “Now, I think I want you up on the bench.” He hoisted her up before she could move and positioned her on the spanking bench, pulling her naked ass to the edge of the table.

“I already said I’d be good.” She whimpered when he smacked her hands away from her pussy. He wouldn’t let her touch herself until he’d given her the privilege back. All because she hadn’t waited for him to come home the night before.

“Spread your legs wide.” He reached for his buckle, undoing his belt and working his zipper on his trousers down until his thick, long cock sprang free.

She licked her lips, wanting a taste but knowing he’d deny her if she asked. He was getting stricter as the days went by, but he countered it with all the kisses and encouragement and love she could ask for.

“Not until I say.” He pointed a finger at her just before thrusting into her pussy. She grabbed hold of the table as he continued to plow into her harder and harder. His fingers found her clit and began rubbing with each new thrust. She wouldn’t last this way. Not with him so deep and being so rough. She reached up and grabbed hold of his shirt.

“Please! Don’t make me wait,” she begged in the pretty fashion he wanted from her. She didn’t mind begging for him; he made the reward too enticing to be stubborn.

The table creaked as he increased his thrusts.

“Please, William. Please.” She reached between their bodies and wrapped her hand around his shaft as it disappeared into her pussy. His eyes rolled back, and she squeezed harder.

“Oh, fuck.” He leaned forward, pressing his hands onto the table, thrusting faster. “Fuck.”

“William. I can’t — oh — please,” she whined without pretense. She was going to explode, and if she didn’t have his permission, she wouldn’t be allowed to orgasm for at least a week. A lesson she’d learned the hard way, too. Too many times not to have memorized this rule by now.

“Fuck, Dani, fuck yes!”

His words flung her into the waves of the orgasm waiting to carry her away. Over and over again, pleasure stroked her body. Her throat went raw while screaming his name.