“You don’t want to know.” Tommy shook his head. He was right. It didn’t matter how; it only mattered that he did. Tommy had never been wrong before, and William was putting all of his trust into him right now.
Tommy’s phone buzzed, and he swiped his thumb across the screen.
“Shit.” He handed it to William.
“Are you kidding me?” William yelled as he dropped the phone into the cup holder in the center console. “Why the fuck would she go to Komisky’s?” He rubbed his temples. “That’s it. When I find her, I’m wearing my belt out on her ass. I don’t care if she never sits down again, I’m whipping her ass right there.”
Tony gave him a curious glance, then went back to driving.
“Don’t,” William said with a pointed finger.
“I’m not saying anything, boss.” Tony shrugged. “How you deal with your woman is your choice.”
“Good.” William pinched the bridge of his nose. If his heart would stop dancing its way up to his ears, maybe he could think faster.
“It’s just good to see you… you know… so… wrapped up with her,” Tommy said with a smirk.
“I’m not wrapped up with her,” William growled.
“Right.” Tommy laughed. “I mean, you’ve got us searching down some punk-ass kid who fucked over Komisky to find this chick you don’t know. And you’re about ready to blow a gasket over this woman because she’s put herself in the lion’s den. But it’s not ’cause you’re wrapped up with her. It’s ’cause what?”
Silence poured into the car.
“Remind me, when this is all done, to beat the fuck outta you.” William shoved Tommy’s shoulder. “Just get me there.”
Tommy’s only answer was to hit the gas.
He’d kiss her, then hug her, then whip her until she couldn’t sit. Tying her down sounded good, too. All of it.
He just needed to get to her first.
William had his gun drawn before he opened the door to the warehouse. Tommy filed in behind him.
“I’m sorry!” a strangled, deep voice cried from the back of the building. William and Tommy darted around crates and boxes until they found the source.
A scrawny, bloodied Steven lay on the concrete at Marcus’s feet. Blood dripped from the cut on his lip, pooling around a stranded tooth.
“You’re fucking right, you’re sorry.” Marcus kicked his foot into Steven’s face, knocking him unconscious. His nose was twisted, and his jaw didn’t look right, either.
“Oh, look who’s here.” Marcus turned to face William and Tommy. He grabbed a towel from his lackey, who was standing behind him, and wiped the blood from his overpriced shoe. “Figures you’d show up after the work’s already done.”
“I don’t give a shit about this, where’re Daniella and Megan?” William demanded, keeping his gun aimed at the floor. But one wrong move, one. Even just a misplaced smile, and Komisky was going to look a lot worse than the asshole on the ground.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist. They’re safe.” Marcus wiped his palms together. “And for the right price, you can have them both. I’ll give you a ‘buy one, get one half off’ deal.” He sneered.
“Fucking hell,” Tommy muttered.
“Marcus. I have no beef with you. Dani obviously came to you with information you needed about your rat here. Now give her back.” William clicked the safety onto his gun and tucked it back into his pants.
“Dani? Is that what you’re calling her? Well, she has that cute girl-next-door look to her, doesn’t she?” Marcus chuckled, a sound that left a film of grime behind.
“I’m not fucking around with you.” William squared off with him. Marcus had one guy with him, but more could be hiding behind the crates or just outside. Any of them could be waiting for a signal to hurt Daniella.
“Well.” Marcus gave a faux sigh. “You did already pay for Daniella, so, I’ll let you off with that one. But the other girl, she’s been making Steven here some decent profit. No reason to let that go to waste.”
“Fifty grand.” William dropped the bid without hesitation. Daniella would never forgive him if he let Marcus take Megan. And he’d never be able to live with himself for causing her any pain.