Page 57 of The Mob Boss' Pet

Vincenzo sticks one finger through the bars and like the good pet he’s made me, I lean into the small touch.

“Be a good girl for me, Stephania,” he whispers.

“I will,” I promise and pull back from him. He stands up and leaves the room. I get comfortable on the bedding and close my eyes. I don’t have the remote for the television in here, and there’s nothing to do but think.

And thinking is the one thing I can’t do right now.

Chapter Sixteen



“Okay, so now that we’re all here, let’s get this over with.” Anton throws himself in an armchair in my office and hooks his left foot over his right knee.

I put the prints down on my desk and eye my brother.

“I have the identity of the shooter.” I tap my fingers on the papers in front of me.

“Who is it?” Roberto demands, leaning forward in his chair.

“Martin Peneva,” I say, watching their expressions go blank. “You have no reason to know him. He’s practically a kid. A hired gun,” I continue.

“Hired? Who the fuck hired him?” Roberto clenches the arms of the chair.

“I don’t know that. All I have here is information on him. Where he went to high school, what classes he’s taking in community college. His family, girlfriend...” I push the papers. “Nothing of relevance to the afternoon at the café.”

“Okay, so we pick him up and ask him ourselves,” Anton says from his chair. He’s got his phone out already, he’s swiping across the screen.

“I already sent Marco to get him, but once we have him,” I look to Roberto, “he can’t be let go.”

Roberto’s shoulders drop a fraction, but his jaw remains tense. I’m not asking their opinion on the matter, I’ve already decided. The man who shot my brother and killed my cousin will not survive our meeting.

“I’ll handle it.” Roberto rolls his shoulders back after a moment of thought.
