“What?” I ask, my voice slurred. Or she’s slurred.
Everything’s wavy and moving.
“Are we moving?”
“I’m so…I can’t…” Cathy collapses in front of me, and I bend lower to check on her, but everything’s dark, and my mind slips away from me.
* * *
A hard coughbreaks against my ribs, and I wake with a start. Sucking in clean air, I gasp for more.
“Ah, good. Finally fucking awake,” a dark voice chides me.
I blink, trying to clear my vision, but it’s all foggy. My head isn’t any clearer as I focus on the voices.
“Give him another minute. It took a hell of a lot more gas to get him to go down than the girl,” another voice says.
The girl.
I lift my head from the ground.
“Cathy.” My voice is scratchy and hurts my throat.
“She’s here, don’t worry,” the first voice says. A sharp smack against flesh draws my attention. We’re in a large room. The walls are white, pristine, but the floor has no coverings. I’m lying on cold concrete, Cathy draped over a bench to my left. She’s naked.
“Cathy!” I try to get to her, but my muscles give out, and I crumble down again.
Muffled cries sound from her direction.
“She can’t talk right now,” the second voice explains, and another smack resounds from him hitting her bare ass.
A deep red welt crosses her ass cheeks, matching on her thighs. Lighter marks trail up and down her thighs and ass. They’ve been beating her.
Rage makes my muscles work. I stumble forward, only to have a boot land in my stomach. I roll to my side, wrapping my arms around my middle.
The cold floor seeps into my skin as I suck in as much air as my body will allow until the pain subsides. Boots scratch along the concrete until they appear before my face.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” the first voice says, his tone hard and angry. “You don’t listen to directions though, do you?” He nudges my shoulder with his toe.
I jerk away from him, shaking my head. Whatever they used to knock us out is clogging my thoughts.
“Cathy, are you all right?” I call to her, ignoring the asshole for a minute.
“She’s doing just fine, aren’t you, sweetheart?” the second voice says with so much saccharine, I chance looking at her.
He’s rubbing her head with his hand while smothering her face into his groin.
“You fucker!” I lurch for her, but that fucking boot knocks me down again.
Panicked sounds erupt from behind Cathy’s gag as she strains against the ties holding her down.
“Leave her alone!” I scream, but it comes out garbled. Fuck.
“Let’s go, lover boy.” Strong arms tuck under my pits before I’m hauled to my feet. Pulling forward is useless with the drugs still in my system. I can’t get away from him.
“Bossman, his cock isn’t ready.” Disappointment underlies the second man’s complaint.