Another parent failing her daughter.
“Sarah’s in good hands, though?” Because if she’s not, we have an extra room at the lake house. Abigail and I will take care of her.
Pierce probably picks up on my train of thought and quickly assures me. “She’s good. She’s in a good, loving home. I swear it, Brian.”
I relax enough to grab another fry. I’ll be checking on her to make certain.
“Cathy’s daughter?” I shouldn’t give a fuck, but for all I know, Cathy has been abusing her too.
“She’s as good as you can expect someone to be after they find out their mother was a serial rapist.” He shakes his head. “Cathy had everyone fooled. Seemed like a top-notch detective while using her badge to protect the entire operation.”
“You had to have some suspicions. How’d you track me down to that motel anyway?”
Pierce half laughs and runs his hand over his head. “Pure fucking luck.” He levels his gaze on me. “My daughter works the front desk. She’d forgotten her lunch at home. I was just dropping it off for her when I saw you.”
“Some luck.” I smirk.
A long moment passes quietly between us. “So why the meeting?” Time to get to the real business at hand.
Pierce reaches below the table and brings out a yellow envelope. He drops it on the table and pushes it across to me.
“Pictures of the man responsible for the last three girls we found. He has property in Morocco and has been allowed to keep his travel documents.”
“Morocco doesn’t extradite,” I say, opening the envelope. There are more than pictures in here.
“No, they do not.” Pierce nods toward the passports that fall out of the envelope onto the table. I pick them up. One for Abigail, traveling as Marie Stephens, and myself, traveling as Mark Stephens.
I look up at him. He takes a bite of his sandwich.
A phone is buried at the bottom of the envelope. He doesn’t need to explain, and it’s better if he doesn’t. Carefully, I tuck everything back inside and press the little metal clips back in place to keep it sealed.
“There’s a lot of film to go through,” I say eventually.
He nods. “Yeah.”
I let another minute pass in silence. Abigail’s waiting, and I don’t want her to worry any more than she already is. I imagine she’s pacing the balcony with her fingers all twisted up in her shirt.
“Okay then.” I pick up the envelope and scoot out of the booth. Snapping my fingers, I turn back. “One more thing. Captain Richards?”
Pierce’s lips twist up in a victorious grin. “He’s lost his command and is being investigated for three sexual harassment suits. He’ll probably be writing traffic tickets by the time it’s all over.”
I guess Cathy hadn’t lied about the Captain. Good.
“Leave him be.” Pierce points a finger at me, like I’m a dog that can be told when to attack and when not to.
“Not on my radar.” I shrug. “Unless you find differently. If the investigations stop—”
“They won’t. Not until every girl on those tapes has been accounted for.” It’s a vow, and from his tenor, I take it to heart.
“Thanks for lunch.” I grab another fry and leave him to his sandwich.
By the time I get back into the car, the death grip on my heart finally releases and breathing comes naturally again. Any number of things could have happened in that diner.
But the outcome I wanted has blessed me.
I will be with Abigail.
She’ll get to save the girls.