Page 73 of Daddy's Heart

“Hold your legs open for me. Hold them wide.” He continued to plow into her, feeling his release barreling down on him.

She obeyed. Without question. Without hesitation. She linked her arms around her knees and pulled them apart wide.

He slammed into her ass, driving straight for his release.

“Fuck,” he hollered, pumping once, then twice, before stilling. His cock burst with relief as his come spurted inside her ass. “Fuck,” he said over and over again, until the last pulse of his orgasm faded away. He let out a hard breath and opened his eyes.

Her gentle, wide gaze settled on him.

He fell right back into reality.

“Shit, baby. Are you okay? Did I go too hard?” He’d lost himself. He never did that, but her immediate obedience to do something she knew wouldn’t get her any closer to her own orgasm had kicked him into overdrive.

“I’m fine. Yes, I’m okay. Ryder, I’m okay,” she said, framing his face with her hands. “You weren’t too hard. It…it was…” she swallowed, “it was perfect. Horrible punishment, but perfect.” She strained her neck and placed a kiss on his lips.

He captured her mouth beneath his. His fingers entangled in her hair, and he held her to him, sweeping his tongue past her lips, taking the kiss deeper, feeling her beneath him, warm and willing. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him to her.

“Samantha,” he breathed her name when he finally broke off the kiss, resting his forehead against hers. “How…” he stopped his words from falling out. He couldn’t ask her that. Not yet. But how he would ever be able to let her go was beyond his comprehension.

“Are you okay?” he asked after another moment stretched between them.

She laughed. “I already said I am.” She shoved at his shoulders. “But I would like to put my feet down.”

He gingerly slid from her ass and moved to his feet.

“Towel?” she asked, remaining still on the bed.

He opened his nightstand and grabbed a hand towel he’d started keeping in there since she’d spent more and more nights in his bed. Holding her down gently, he wiped his cum from her asshole. Maybe it shouldn’t have affected him as much as it had, but seeing his mark on her, seeing his essence smearing across her ass the way it did, filled his chest…with pride? Joy?



He finished cleaning her up and picked up the dirty clothes from the floor. “You want your jammies?” he asked, heading to the closet to deposit the laundry.

“If it’s okay, I’d rather stay naked,” she said in a small voice. When he turned to the bed, she was already crawling under the covers. “It’s kinda hot in here.”

He chuckled. “That’s because you’re horny.”

“I am.” She nodded with a wide grin. “Want to do something about that?”

He snagged his boxers from the floor and pulled them up.

“I would love to, Sam.” He leaned over her. “In the morning. And not a minute before.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, intending for a short peck. But once there, once her warm lips were beneath him again, he couldn’t stop himself from sweeping them away. Just a touch from her was enough to drive him off course.

“First thing in the morning?” she asked in a husky voice when he straightened, his lips still tingling.

“I have to get to work early. But, if you want me to wake you up at three a.m., sure- you can have your orgasm before I head out.” He lifted a shoulder.

She gave an exaggerated sigh. “Never mind.” Not even the promise of an orgasm would get his girl up that early.

“Take a nap, Sam.” He pressed her shoulders until she was laying against the pillows. “It’s still early. How does fried chicken for dinner sound?”

She grinned. “Delicious. And macaroni and cheese?”

He pinned her with a look. “Seriously? Obviously, I should have added a punishment for not telling me about your—”

“No, no…that’s okay. I think pasta salad would be better.” She put a hand up.