Page 68 of Daddy's Heart

“Yeah. I was out within a few hours, but there’s an investigation. I’m out on bond, so I can’t leave the state. I can’t get up there, and now I hear Randall petitioned to have his entire case overturned.”

“Why would she have you arrested?” Samantha asked. Randall could wait.

“I don’t know, Sam. She wasn’t happy, I knew that, but I didn’t think she was that unhappy.”

“No specifics needed, but the last time you two…well, uh…played, were there marks? Bruises?” Samantha’s brother and his wife played pretty hard from what she did know. Living in a small community meant she knew the same people, and stories got around.

“We hadn’t played in months. But yeah, the last time, there were a few bruises from the cane.”

“Is that what she’s claiming?” Ryder asked.

“Yeah. She must have taken pictures and held onto them. The DA showed them to me.”

“What’s Anderson doing about this?” Sam asked.

“He’s working on it. It’s going to be fine. We have a history of playing at the clubs, and that scene took place at the dungeon. It’s not going to go anywhere, but it has me tied here.”

Ryder stepped closer. “Does she have any ties to Randall? Could she be helping him keep you down there?”

Sam’s gut twisted. Jerri wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t. Samantha hadn’t been overly friendly with her, hadn’t exactly been thrilled at her brother’s choice to marry her, but she wasn’t like that.

But Samantha wouldn’t have thought she’d file charges against Paul after a play session.

“At this point, I can’t say. I thought I knew her, but now…”

Sam frowned. Her brother was hurting.

“Paul, maybe I should come home.”

Ryder visibly stiffened.

“No, Sam.” Paul’s voice hardened. “Absolutely not. I’m fine down here. As soon as this gets cleared up, I’m coming up for a visit.”

“Maybe I could talk to her.”

“No.” Ryder shook his head.

“Yeah, Sam, don’t. It could make it worse. Just let it play its course. I have things under control here. But, what about up there—what’s going on there?”

“I have a second interview at the Harold Washington tomorrow,” she responded. Leaving Paul alone to fight this battle didn’t feel right, but she knew that tone. Discussion was done.

“Good. And apartment hunting?” he asked.

Sam’s gaze dropped away from Ryder.

“Uh, I haven’t started yet. As soon as I accept an offer, I will. But without income, I don’t see how anyone would give me a place,” she explained.

“I guess that makes sense.” Paul paused. “Ryder, thanks for letting her crash at your place.”

“Not a problem,” Ryder said, a hint of darkness lingering behind the words. “As long as she needs,” he said with finality.

“Thanks. Anderson is supposed to get back to me tomorrow about Randall’s appeal. As soon as I know anything, I’ll call.”

“Sounds good.” Ryder took the phone from her hand. “If anything changes on this end, we’ll let you know.”

“Thanks, man,” Paul said. “Sam, text me when you’re done with your interview and let me know how it went.”

“I will. Are you sure you don’t want me to come home for a few days?”