Page 62 of Daddy's Heart

George laughed.

“Okay, I’ll meet you here around one?”

Samantha nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll swing by Ryder’s apartment to change then head straight here.”

“Good.” George sat back in his chair and sighed. “Give my hello to Kelly.”

Ryder slipped his hand around Samantha’s, giving her a light squeeze.

“Will do. Talk to you later, George.” Ryder nodded again and tugged Samantha to the door.

She waved on her way out the door and fell in step with Ryder.

The humidity had finally dropped enough outside, making the heat a bit more manageable. At least her hair wouldn’t frizz out before they got to Kendrick’s.

Ryder squeezed her hand again before opening the passenger door for her. He’d said even if Kendrick couldn’t help with Randall, the visit would be nice. What did that mean exactly?

Everything George said mingled with her current question, and she sank into the car with a worried heart.

Where exactly was everything headed? And would she survive it?

Chapter 24

“You okay?” Ryder asked Samantha. They were only a few steps away from Kendrick’s door, and Samantha had barely said a word since he’d picked her up from the dungeon.

“Yeah. Fine.” She nodded and gave him the same plastic smile she’d sported since getting in the car.

“I explained the rule about half truths, right?” He raised his brow and faced off with her as they came to stand in front of Kendrick’s door.

Her smile widened, but it didn’t touch her eyes.

“I’m fine, Ryder. Just nervous about meeting your friends.” She placed a gentle hand on his forearm.

The suspicion didn’t ease, but he wouldn’t press her yet. When they got home, if her mood didn’t improve, they’d have a long discussion about hiding feelings and worries. Because something obviously had her concerned. He could see the worry lines deepen along her forehead.

“Kendrick and Kelly are good people. You’ll have a good time.” He knocked on the door, and Kelly answered with a bright-eyed smile.

“Ryder!” She pulled the door open wider and waved them in.

“You’re Samantha.” Kelly grinned at Sam and pulled her into a big hug. “Thank god you came. I could use some adult company.” She laughed and released Sam.

“Hi, it’s nice to—”

“Kendrick will be out in minute. One sec. Close the door, Ryder. Go in the living room.” Kelly waved at them as she jogged toward a short set of stairs. “Conner’s just going down for his nap. I’ll be right back,” she explained, then disappeared up the steps.

“Don’t run, Kelly. You don’t even have shoes on. You’re going to slip and fall,” Kendrick’s voice boomed.

Ryder didn’t make out Kelly’s response, but Kendrick’s shaking head explained plenty when he stepped into the living room. Ryder laughed.

“Hey, guys,” Kendrick greeted them, shaking Ryder’s hand and smiling down at Samantha. “I put an order in for pizza, hope that’s okay. Should be here soon.”

“Of course,” Ryder said, then gestured for Samantha to take a seat.

“So, Ryder tells me you’re looking for a librarian job?” Kendrick asked, sitting down on the couch. Kelly appeared again and rounded the couch to sit next to her husband.

“I’m trying for a Library Director position.” Sam eased back in her chair. “Hopefully for a larger library.”

Kelly nodded. “You know, I think I saw something in the bulletin at work about our library department looking for a new director.”