Page 61 of Daddy's Heart

“Yes, she is. For another week, thanks to that scum of a landlord of hers.” George went to work pulling the bag of torn paper from the machine so she couldn’t see his eyes.

“You have two bedrooms in your apartment…and a pull-out couch.” She rolled her shoulders back.

George tied off the bag and straightened, settling one of his authority glares on her. Only, it didn’t do anything to her—no fluttering stomach, no nerve-ending chills.

“I did not set you up with Ryder. I knew you two would get along and he had an extra bedroom. That’s all.” He tossed the garbage bag toward the door.

“But you hoped—”

“Samantha.” He put up his hands. “I trust Ryder…and he’s unattached, so I figured…” He shrugged. The guilt overpowered his attempt at dominating the conversation. He broke out in a grin. “I figured…whatever happened, happened.”

“You were playing matchmaker like an old hen,” she accused, but couldn’t keep the gentle laughter from underlying her words. George was basically a second big brother, without all the overbearing, protective nature of her actual sibling.

“It wasn’t my primary intention.” He grinned. “Have you talked about what will happen when you move into your own place?”

“He’s been busy with work, and this weekend was kinda crazy. Besides, there’s really nothing to talk about,” she said, turning back to the couch to straighten up the piles. Ryder would be there soon to pick her up for lunch.

They were going to his friend’s house. The meeting was to talk about possible solutions to the Randall issue. It wasn’t an actualmeet my friendssort of lunch.

“Uh-huh.” George sighed and grabbed the last pile of papers for shredding.

“Besides, what would long-term even look like? I resolved a while ago I’d most likely not end up with someone, not like forever.”

“What? Why would you think something like that?” George asked with heat.

“You haven’t exactly found someone,” she pointed out.

“Not for lack of looking,” he muttered. “And I’m not the one with such a dismal outlook here.”

“It’s not dismal. It’s based on my experiences. Most guys don’t even like my kink, and the ones who do…well, they get bored with me after a while.” She tried to shrug it off, but she couldn’t hide the ache in her chest from herself. How soon would Ryder get bored? When would the polish wear off?

“That’s because you’ve been around assholes. Ryder’s not an asshole.” George fired up the shredder again before she could respond.

Samantha finished clearing the couch while he made his racket. Another afternoon and she’d have the office completely organized. Then he could finally find an assistant who wasn’t scared off by the mess he’d made of all the invoices and statements.

The noise stopped as the door to the office swung open.

“Hey.” Ryder’s smile hit her like a freight train.

“Hey.” Her chest lightened at the sight of him, filling the doorway with all his muscles and height. “It’s time already?” She grabbed her phone from her pocket and checked the time.

“Yeah. We have a few minutes if you need to finish up,” Ryder said, nodding his greeting to George. “We’re heading to Kendrick’s.”

“Yeah, Sam told me. I’m not sure he’ll have much of a solution, though. Without any actual cause, a restraining order will be hard to get.”

“Probably, but we’ll see what he says. I haven’t seen him and Kelly in a while, so it will be nice just to visit.” Ryder’s gaze swept over the room. “You guys got a lot done.”

“Mostly because of your girl here.”

Ryder’s smile dropped a fraction. Damn George and his pushing.

“Yep, piling papers is my specialty.” She shoved a bright smile onto her lips. Playful. Casual. She pointed to the stack at the end table beside the couch. “Those can be shredded, and those on the floor there still need to be gone through. I can come over tomorrow afternoon once I’m finished with my interview and get it done.”

“If you have time. Don’t put yourself out on my account,” George said.

“I have time,” she assured him, picking up her purse and slinging the small bag over her head. “Besides, Ryder’s working late tomorrow. It will give me something to do.”

“And keep her out of trouble,” Ryder added.