Page 54 of Daddy's Heart

“Sam?” Ryder peeked his head into the guest bedroom where she stared around the closet, trying to pick out something to wear. It was going to be another hot and humid day in the city. Maybe a trek down to the lake was in order.

“I’m getting dressed.” She started flipping through her sundresses. “But I think I’ll put my suit on and go to the lake. It’s gonna be hot again today.”

“I already told you you’re busy today.” He stepped into the room.

She stopped searching and turned her attention to him. “Doing what?”

“First, we have to have breakfast, then we need to discuss the new rules and the next steps in dealing with Randall. Then, this afternoon, I thought I’d take you to a movie so we wouldn’t be out in the heat.” He leaned his hip against the dresser and casually folded his arms over his chest.

“You don’t like the beach, do you?”

He grinned. “I really don’t. All those people and sand gets everywhere. And the water is either too cold or the sand is too hot.”

“How about I go to the beach this afternoon, and you can take me to a movie tonight?” She offered a compromise.

“I really don’t want you going out alone right now. Not until we get more information on Randall and what he’s up to,” he said, his brow wrinkled in concern.

She let out a low breath. “I knew as soon as you found out, you’d lock me up.” She yanked a dress from a hanger.

“No, that’s not what’s happening.” He shook his head.

“Yes, it is.” She ripped the towel off and threw it to the floor before shoving the yellow floral cotton dress over her head. “You’re going to make me stay hidden until it’s over with. I’m an adult, Ryder. I can actually take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a pretty long time,” she said as soon as her head popped out of the neckline of the dress.

“I never said you couldn’t. And, grown woman, I’d remember how red your ass still is from last night’s spanking before you let your temper get any hotter,” he said in a low tone.

She pinched her lips together, fighting back the retort burning her tongue. As irritated as she was, she didn’t want another spanking. Her backside was still pink and sore.

After a calming breath, she relaxed her stance. “I don’t want to be caged up.”

He stepped toward her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “I know, and I don’t want to lock you away. But I want to be sure you’re safe. It’s Saturday, and the beach will be crowded. Tell you what, I’ll get in touch with a friend of mine. He used to be a Chicago cop. I’ll see if he has any ideas of what we can do from here. No lake for today—only today—until after I talk to Kendrick. Okay?”

If he hadn’t looked so damn reasonable and mouthwatering when he presented his compromise, she wouldn’t have given in so easily.

“Okay. I guess I can do one day of prison time.” She dropped her shoulders. Just because she was complying didn’t mean she had to enjoy it.

He cupped her chin in one hand and pulled her head back. Desire danced in his eyes as he lined up his gaze with hers.

“Prison, hmmm? Being locked up with me is like being in jail?” He spun her around and yanked her wrists behind her back. “I think I can work with that.” Pulling her against him, he reached around her body, scrunching up the skirt of her dress until his fingers touched her pussy.

She went slack against him, no longer caring about the little burn in her shoulders from being held in such a way. His fingers pried apart her lips to find her clit, forcing her to her toes when he pinched the sensitive bud.

“Does my little prisoner have a wet pussy?” His breath was hot against her ear, ramping up her aroused state a few more levels.

Too wrapped up in the sensations his fingers were causing, she merely nodded.

“I’ll need to restrain you better. This way, my little prisoner.” Taking away his erotic touch, he pushed her forward and marched her from her room to his. She pulled slightly, thinking to give him chase, but he struck her ass with a sharp spank.

“None of that,” he chastised, but she could hear the playful tone dancing beneath the surface.

When they entered his bedroom, he pulled her to the closet.

“Face the wall.” He positioned her to his liking. “Don’t move, or I’ll have to discipline you,” he said with mock sternness. It wasn’t anything like when he actually warned her abut punishment. This tone was a promise of fun and excitement. The temptation to try to run was there, but she didn’t want to push him too far.

Even playing, she suspected her Daddy like to be obeyed.

Ryder came out of the closet with a pair of fuzzy cuffs dangling from his finger and a silly smile playing on his lips.

“Where did you get those?” She laughed.