George knew.
He had to know.
He’d given her a weird smile when she’d walked into his office with Ryder. Maybe he could smell the sex on her. Ryder’s dry come on her pussy. He hadn’t let her wash it off. He’d snuggled up to her and held her and talked with her until it was time to get ready for the club.
She couldn’t think too much about the experience. When she did, when her mind replayed his touches and kisses and how hard he’d fucked her, she wanted to crumble into the nearest chair. It hadn’t been a quick fuck or anything she would categorize as casual.
He hadn’t merely been inside her, he’d been with her, intimate and passionate. She hadn’t known men could be so intense during sex. Not that she had an over-abundance of experience, but she hadn’t lived in a nunnery either. Nothing compared.
“Sam?” George’s voice broke her out of her cloud of worry.
“Ryder is in the purple room tonight. You can hang in there with him if you want, you don’t have to keep me company,” he said from behind his desk.
She looked at the stacks of papers. “When’s the last time you went through all this?” she asked, waving at the piles.
“Been a while. Most of it is probably old bills that were already paid.”
“Why don’t you let me go through some of this while you do your management thing?”
He quirked his head.
“I don’t need to babysit Ryder. He’s busy monitoring the play sessions. I’ll be okay in here.” She started to shoo him from behind his desk.
“Okay, I’ll make a few rounds.” He paused at the door. “Hey, did you talk to Ryder?” He gave her a pointed stare.
“Of course I did.” She turned away from him, unable to keep hold of his gaze without giving anything away. Technically, she had spoken to Ryder. Several times in fact. But not matter how she angled the truth, she wasn’t being honest with George. The sick feeling in her belly confirmed it. “But can we table it for now? I want a stress-free night, okay?” She picked up half a stack of papers and started flipping through.
“Okay, yeah. We can deal with it later,” George said before he shut the office door behind him.
She blew out a relieved breath and sank down into the office chair. Comfy and well-worn, but it did nothing to sooth her frazzled nerves. She would have to tell Ryder soon about Randall.
Her phone went off, jolting her from her worry and annoying her at the same time. Paul needed to back off. She was too old for all his coddling.
“Yes?” she answered.
“Ah, you answered. Good.” Randall’s deep voice penetrated through the phone, lodging a ball of fear in her throat.
“R-Randall?” She sank back in the chair, eyes closed. She’d changed her number. How had he gotten it?
“Samantha, you don’t sound happy to hear from me,” he continued in the same sultry voice she’d been attracted to when she’d first met him. He’d had such authority about him, she had been drawn in from first glance.
“I’m surprised, that’s all.” No matter how ruffled her insides were at the sound of his voice, she would not cower to him.
“You didn’t hear I’ve been released?”
“I did. But I didn’t think I’d hear from you,” she admitted.
“Why? Because you betrayed me? Because you tattled like a naughty little schoolgirl?” His voice twisted into the sinister sounds she remembered from his meetings. When he’d thought she wasn’t listening, wasn’t paying attention, the criminal in him roamed free. It was the undercurrent of evil in his voice that had drawn her to listening to his plans. He’d never used that tone with her, though, only his men, his partners.
Until now.
“I—I only answered honestly, Randall.” She curled her fingers into the hem of her skirt. “I’m sorry you feel betrayed. I—”
“Don’t give me that bullshit.” He laughed, an ugly sound that sent a cold streak running down her back. “The case against me is going to be dismissed.”
She’d already heard about his attorney’s attempt to have the ruling overturned, to get him completely clear of the charges and off parole. Anderson had told her, her brother had warned her, and now, she was getting the information straight from the ass’s mouth.