Page 39 of Daddy's Heart

It had been two days since he’d taken her shopping for panties, and even sitting with George, knowing she wore theBecause Daddy Saidpanties, her body reacted as though it were Ryder’s hands covering her ass. She readjusted on the couch and tucked her legs beneath her while sipping her beer.

“I had a missed call from Paul last night. Everything okay down there? He didn’t leave a message.”

The beer bounced around her stomach. Paul had promised he’d stay out of it.

“No, not really.” She shook her head. Telling him about Randall would be the same as telling Ryder, and she wasn’t looking to have any more overprotective males hovering over her.

“Really? Nothing?” George tilted his head, furrowing his brow.

Did he already know?

“When’s your mom coming home? I thought she might like to get dinner tonight.” She turned the tables.

“She’s actually with some friends today, won’t be home ’til late. Answer my question, Sam.” His tone dipped.

“You didn’t have a missed call.”

“I did.” He nodded. “But I caught the second one.” He winked.

She leaned forward and put the beer down on the coffee table. “I told him to stay out of this.”

“You haven’t told Ryder about it, have you?”

“No. And he doesn’t need to know. Randall is harmless. He’s hundreds of miles away, and since he’s out, there’s no reason to even think about me much less do anything about my testimony. Ryder doesn’t need the worry. Leave him be.” She pointed to George. The job Ryder had been working on had finally gone into full swing. He was working twelve to fifteen-hour days. He didn’t need to add a non-existent threat to his time.

“From what I heard, he’s not harmless.” George pointed back.

“I’m not worried. I’m here, and he’s there.”

“It would be good for Ryder to at least know,” he continued.

Yeah, and then he’d be all over her about when she could leave the apartment and where she could go. No thank you.

“There’s no need.” She waved a hand.

“Because you’re just roommates who don’t really see each other,” he added for her.

Heat crept up her neck.

“What are you trying to say?”

George narrowed his eyes. “I’m not an idiot, Sam.” He shook his head. “I’ve known you since you were a kid. I can tell when you’re crushing on someone.”

“I am not crushing on him.” She pushed as much annoyance as she could into her tone, but the little crack at the end was probably a big giveaway to her real thoughts on the subject.

She was crushing.

And hard.

“You’re a liar too.” He laughed. “Don’t get mad, I’m only teasing.”

She stiffened. Was he teasing because he knew with certainty about Ryder, or was he trying to get her confession? Which road did she step foot down?

“He’s your friend,” she forged with caution.

“Yeah.” He nodded, a more serious tone to his expression. “So are you. And you’re both adults.”

Still unsure of the progression of the conversation, she looked away from him and started to play with the label on her bottle.