With her stomach starting to warm to his tone, his look, she cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. First things first: the interview.
“I’m gonna hit the shower. The humidity broke, but it’s still pretty warm outside. I’m a mess.”
He took a long moment to drag his gaze down the length of her body and back up. She’d gone out in yoga pants and a purple tank top. Her nipples hardened beneath his lengthy stare, and his lips curled when he spotted them.
“You look damn good to me.” He raised his gaze to her. “Shower up, buttercup.”
She laughed. “That was beyond cheesy.”
He shrugged. “Just wait…it gets worse. Go on.” He motioned with his chin.
Panties. He was going to take her shopping for panties?
If she kept thinking about it, she’d never get through the interview. A cold shower was in order. An ice-cold shower.
Chapter 12
Ryder sat beneath a large oak tree outside the Park Ridge Library, reading a book. Samantha had been inside for nearly an hour, which he took as a good sign. Though the idea of her working so far away didn’t appeal to him.
If the interview stressed her as much as the Washington library had, he’d have to skip the shopping trip he planned and take her straight home. She really set high expectations for herself.
He looked up from his book and saw her walking toward him, a large smile plastered on her lips. She’d left her hair down. Thick curls bounced around her shoulders as she made her way to him.
“Good book?” she asked, pointing to the hardcover he held.
“Not bad.” He dogeared the page and shut it. “Interview went good?” He couldn’t help but match her smile.
“Oh, no, it was horrible.” She waved a hand. “They don’t have the budget I want to play with, and they micromanage every department to death. Neither of us was impressed with the other.”
He stood up from the bench. “Then why the wide smile?”
She shrugged. “I saw you sitting here reading.”
“That’s all it takes?” He raised his brows. “I’ll have to do that more often.”
They started their walk to the parking lot.
“It’s definitely quieter here than the city.” Samantha climbed into the passenger seat, and Ryder shut her door.
“The ’burbs usually are,” he commented after he got into the truck. “Buckle up, Sam.” He pointed to seatbelt. She gave him a teasing look, like she was about to be naughty just to test the waters. “I wouldn’t push it right now. The store is only twenty minutes away, that’s lots of time for me to change my mind and take you straight home.”
She pinched her lips together and buckled her seat belt.
“There’s a store for people like me?” she asked after several moment of silence.
“It’s not geared solely to our tastes, but it has plenty of stuff I like.” He changed lanes on the highway, preparing to exit at the next ramp.
She started fidgeting in her seat, playing with the hem of her skirt and wiggling her feet.
“Sammy?” he asked softly. He was still learning when her little side was peeking out.
“I’m nervous,” she said, looking out the window. “I’ve never been to a kinky store before. What if someone sees us?”
He reached across the middle console and placed his hand over both of hers. “Like who?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“If a stranger sees you, does that matter?”