Page 33 of Daddy's Heart

“Then less attitude.” He tapped his finger on the edge of her nose.

“I’m sorry. I’m not used to this, to being…well, relaxed with someone like this.”

He brushed his fingers along her shoulders. “It’s been a while for me too, but you remember what happens to naughty little girls, right?” He lowered his hand to her ass.

A cute flush covered her cheeks. “Yeah.”

“What happens, Sammy?” he pressed, enjoying how she nibbled on the inside of her cheek.

“Daddy spanks them.”

He held back his laugh, not wanting her to take it the wrong way. Her sweetness escaped out of her at every smile, every breath. And with her cheeks tinted so rosy pink, her eyes slightly downcast, trying to hide her embarrassment, it made joy burst through him. Even if this was only for a short time, he was going to immerse himself in everything she gave him. He’d pay for it later, but it would be worth it.

And it had been a long time since he’d found a girl worth the pain of losing.

“That’s right, little girl. Now, panties.” He latched his hand around hers and sought out the rack of satin panties. He knew exactly what he wanted for his little girl and snatched up a pair of white panties with the wordsYes, Daddywritten on them in pink.

When he looked down at her expression, he found her face scrunched up.


“Do they have purple? I don’t like pink.” She shrugged.

He sorted through the rack until he found other colors for her to pick from.

“The green are fine, no blue—that’s for boys,” she said as she swiped the hangers to the side. “Oh, purple!”

“But those sayNaughty Girl,” he pointed out.

She bit her lower lip and looked up at him with every bit of a seductress. “Well, sometimes Daddies like their girls to be naughty, right?”

Ryder laughed hard. “Yes, I guess we do.” He nodded. “Okay, we’ll get the green and the purple.” He had her search out her size and grab two of each while he wandered away to the toy section.

He was holding a pacifier when she found him, hands full of her choices.

“Those are for babies,” she said, eyeing the pacifier.

“Yes,” he agreed, still looking through the other choices.

“I’m…I mean…that’s too young…I don’t…”

He gave her a side-glance. “Even better.”

“What?” She stepped closer to him, eyeing the other toys on the shelves.

He held onto the pacifier in his hand and plucked another larger pacifier gag.

“Ryder,” she whispered harshly.

He raised a brow at her.

“Daddy, I don’t want a pacifier.”

“Then never give me a reason to use it,” he palmed the gag and looked at the panties in her hand. “You have four?”

“Yes, but can you please let me pay for them?” she asked, looking up at him, a soft plea in her eyes.

“No, I said I was buying them.”