Page 1 of Unzoned

Chapter 1

"I'm not even sure how you talked me into this." Jade pulled the hem of her too-short skirt down. A sad attempt to hide her thighs from the Uber driver who continued to eye the two of them through the rear-view mirror.

Carissa stuck up her middle finger at the reflection of lust-filled eyes and waited until the man looked away before turning in her seat to address Jade. "Look. You've been talking about this club for the longest time, we've always promised each other we'd go, tonight's perfect. It's a holiday party. It will be casual, no pressure. I swear it."

"You say this as though you've been there before." Jade cocked an eyebrow. It wouldn't be the first-time Carissa forgot to mention she'd scoped out a place before dragging her along.

Twirling one long red curl around her finger, Carissa bit her lower lip. "Well, maybe."

Jade sighed. "That little girl act doesn't work on me, Carissa. I'm not into age play, and I'm not into topping." But it didn't stop her from patting her friend on the head and giggling along with her. "Okay, so you've been there. It's not too stuffy? I mean, I'm not sure I can handle high protocol yet. I don't know anything about that." Jade knew enough about the kink world to know she wanted in, bad, but as to particulars she hadn't a clue.

The idea of a strong man taking her to task, keeping her on the straight and narrow, calling her on her bullshit- her girly bits tingled merely at the thought. But it wasn't just the discipline, it was everything. Giving over control, being able to trust one man with all of herself? Her past history with men would make most women run from the idea, but she knew if she found the right one, the right guy, she'd be able to find safety in his hands.

"Nothing like that. Well, I guess if you're into that, then you'll find the guy that's into that. I keep telling you, this isn't a one size fits all thing." Carissa brushed her hair from her shoulders, showing off her perfect posture and dusting of freckles on her creamy skin. Jade's olive tone would never allow such a beautiful display, nor would her less than ladylike posture. Too many years of trying to hide her bosom from classmates created the horrible habit of slouching to hide her parts.

Jade plucked her cell from her purse as it began to blare into the car. "Just Garrick," she said and swiped to see his message. She'd met Garrick freshman year of high school, eight years later they were still close friends. No matter what Jade wanted otherwise. He'd never understand her desires, and he sure as hell wouldn't see her as anything other than the girl who tutored him out of a D in chemistry.

What are you up to tonight?

Out with Carissa.


Just out. Why?

It's really cold tonight. Didn't forget your jacket, again did you?

Jade sighed. Of course, she'd forgotten it, at his house last time she'd stopped by after another double shift at the hospital looking for a cold beer and a warm couch.

I'll pick it up this weekend.

Just out with Carissa, nowhere special?

"He's getting creepy in his old age." Carissa pressed her shoulder against Jade to get a look at her screen.

Jade shoved her off. "You know how he is."

"Yeah. I do. Bossy and over protective. He’d probably make a great Dom if he had any clue." Carissa had the mistaken ideals that everyone would fall into either being a submissive or a Dominant if they only opened up their eyes and saw the world through her eyes.

Jade tapped a few more messages to Garrick, evading his prying questions and not giving any direct lies. She hated lying, especially to Garrick, but no way would he understand this- and she didn't want to hear any more safety lectures from him. The last time she'd mentioned signing up for a dating service, he went on for almost an hour, and in the end, demanded he vet the guys for her. She decided to take down her profile and save herself the lectures.

"We're here!" Carissa announced in her sing-song voice and clapped her hands. "Go on." She gave Jade a shove until she opened the door and scooted out. She heard Carissa reprehend their driver for getting all handsy with his eyes before slamming the door.

"To his defense, this dress you gave me is a little hard to ignore." Jade pulled down the hem of the spandex one piece, while yanking up the neckline. December wasn't exactly warm in Chicago, and the chilled breeze drew her nipples to stand fully erect, giving everyone in eye shot a perfect view. She yanked her jean jacket around her tighter, trying to fight off the cold and failing miserably. She’d need to swing by Garrick’s and get her warm coat sooner rather than later.

"It's warm inside, let's go." Carissa gave her a little shove and pointed at the entrance to Dark Lace, the newest BDSM club to hit Chicago. Memberships didn’t come easy, and any messing around with the rules got a member banned. It was one of the safest places for those new to the scene to play and meet people, which is what drew Jade to begin with. Carissa and her only received their membership acceptance a week ago, which meant Carissa missing her morning shift on Friday had more to do with her Thursday night escapade than the migraine she'd called in with.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?"

Carissa didn't need to ask what she meant by her question. "I knew you'd feel better if one of us knew what we were walking into, and you never go out on work nights." Linking her arm through Jade’s, she walked them to the door.

"Now. Get ready, because your holiday season is about to light up!"

Chapter 2

Garrick stretched his back and took another look at his phone. She was lying. She completely avoided his questions.

Something was going on with her lately. The string of men she'd brought home lately, the internet profiles- the girl looked in all the wrong places. A woman like Jade didn't belong on bigger fish or any of those dating sites. She didn't need to fill out a five hundred questionnaire to know who would match up with her. She only needed to ask him, and he'd tell her. She needed someone who would take her submissive side, that little bit of her she tried desperately to hide from him everyone else around her and draw it out.